Service-Side GLib Bindings

Paul Kuliniewicz kuliniew at
Sat Aug 14 14:31:18 PDT 2004

I've been looking at what's left to implement to get the service-side
functionality of the GLib bindings operational, but I have a few
questions about how some things are supposed to work.

What's the purpose of the <node> tags in the XML introspection data?
All of the other tags are pretty straightforward, but I'm not sure what
<node> represents.  An example of what this XML introspection data
should look like would be great.

How should gobject_message_function() figure out what function needs to
be called?  I suppose the marshaller field in DBusGMethodInfo is the
function that unpacks the message's parameters, makes the actual call,
packs the return value(s) into the reply message, and sends it.  But how
can the right DBusGMethodInfo be found, since it doesn't store the name
of the method it implements?

Also, what is the data field in DBusGObjectInfo for?  The XML
introspection data?

How do an object's signals get transformed into D-BUS signals?  Will the
bindings need to add listeners for each exposed signal on the object?

And, finally, a non-implementation question.  D-BUS methods usually have
names that LookLikeThis, but GLib methods have names that
look_like_this.  Which naming convention is the "right one" to use for
GLib methods exposed by D-BUS?

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