[ANNOUNCE] xhost 1.0.9

Alan Coopersmith alan.coopersmith at oracle.com
Mon Dec 12 23:48:21 UTC 2022

xhost is used to manage the list of host names or user names
allowed to make connections to the X server without further authentication.

This release delivers upstream two changes we've been shipping in Solaris
for many years - a fix to the command line handling to allow specifying
IPv6 addresses directly ("xhost +2001:DB8::11") and the use of gettext()
to allow localizing output & error messages.  Unfortunately, this release
only includes the changes to use gettext, but does not include any

Alan Coopersmith (6):
      gitlab CI: add a basic build test
      Build xz tarballs instead of bzip2
      Recognize raw IPv6 numeric address
      Use gettext() to localize messages if available
      Simplify i18n of 'unable to get ... address for ...' error message
      xhost 1.0.9

git tag: xhost-1.0.9

SHA256: ca850367593fcddc4bff16de7ea1598aa4f6817daf5a803a1258dff5e337f7c3  xhost-1.0.9.tar.gz
SHA512: 18490ae09d4031ef96d9b6ae7387ea24192e72d7aed9cfff8d3c05332b27717f03ea92adea6cff46c3d3bf3c47b23db69e999c39ba7c3b73c785bf86370a8aca  xhost-1.0.9.tar.gz
PGP:  https://xorg.freedesktop.org/archive/individual/app/xhost-1.0.9.tar.gz.sig

SHA256: ea86b531462035b19a2e5e01ef3d9a35cca7d984086645e2fc844d8f0e346645  xhost-1.0.9.tar.xz
SHA512: d281a0df0a036d693ce7dbe0d1d53839110d203f42454bf4d33a49fbfddec078149969b6ad76641e40e207ddc8317ea563088c59025fc57d8245e5ed27f79818  xhost-1.0.9.tar.xz
PGP:  https://xorg.freedesktop.org/archive/individual/app/xhost-1.0.9.tar.xz.sig

        -Alan Coopersmith-                 alan.coopersmith at oracle.com
         Oracle Solaris Engineering - https://blogs.oracle.com/solaris
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