Why run xserver on the OpenGL API?

Marcelo E. Magallon mmagallo@debian.org
Sun, 4 Jan 2004 09:25:47 -0600

On Sun, Jan 04, 2004 at 06:23:47AM +0000, Torgeir Veimo wrote:

 > >  Since you have mentioned this several times, I guess I'll just
 > >  plug FTGL here.  Google for FTGL, look at the API, look at the
 > >  functionality which is provided.  I really don't think much is
 > >  missing.  
 > Does it do subpixel antialiasing? 

 It uses FreeType as the rendering backend, and AFAIU FreeType supports
 this somehow:

    - The "load_flags"  parameter of FT_Load_Glyph is  now an FT_Int32
      (instead  of just  being  an FT_Int).   This  breaks source  and
      binary  compatibility for  16bit systems  only,  while retaining
      both of them for 32 and 64 bit ones.

      Some new flags have been added consequently:


        FT_LOAD_TARGET_LCD    :: Hint and render for horizontal RGB or
                                 BGR sub-pixel displays (like LCD
                                 screens).  THIS IS STILL

        FT_LOAD_TARGET_LCD_V  :: Same as FT_LOAD_TARGET_LCD, for
                                 vertical sub-pixel displays (like
                                 rotated LCD screens).  THIS IS STILL

 Looking at the docs, this produces glyphs which are three times as
 large in the horizontal or vertical dimensions respectively.  I guess
 this relies on the client program performing some filtering on the
 resulting image.  So FTGL could support this for texture fonts.  I'm
 not sure what to do about bitmap or pixmap fonts.  Outline fonts get
 their antialiasing from the normal OpenGL filtering functionality.

 In short, no doesn't, but it could.
