loadble module

Keith Packard keithp@keithp.com
Wed, 14 Jan 2004 14:45:43 +1030

Around 11 o'clock on Jan 13, Ely Levy wrote:

> I know xserver doesn't support loadble modules but is it design decision
> or yet to be implemanted feature?

'xserver' doesn't care.  The XFree86 DDX could easily use the XFree86 
loader; there's really no non-DDX code needed for that.

> if it is what path would be better to take using old xfree way (which is
> ugly but easier for me;)?
> using dlopen(which would only work on elf systems), using apache way?
> or maybe something else all together?

Do whatever you like; the ability to use existing binary-only drivers 
seems like a nice feature, but getting rid of the loader and using libltdl 
or straight dlopen would also be fine.

Using dlopen will require more work; I believe the only way to get it 
working will be to place the rest of the X server into a giant .so file so 
that the drivers can locate their symbols.  Perhaps a job for some other 
