This page describes the Farstream coding style.

Loosely based on GNU style C.

Max line width 80.

All long lines wrapped with 4 space indentation.

Spaces after all procedural calls (includes macros).

Function names and variables names use underscore word separators. All GObject methods are prefixed with the appropriate prefix for the object.

Typenames are in camelcase.

Functions that must be called with a lock held end with _locked, those that will be called with the lock but will return without end with _unlock, the doc will specify which lock


Base indent unit is 2 spaces.

Function prototypes

The first parameter is on the same line as the function only if the function is a method.

static void fs_rtp_stream_get_property (GObject *object,
    guint prop_id,
    GValue *value,
    GParamSpec *pspec);

Function declarations

The first parameter is on the same line as the function only if the function is a method.

static void 
fs_rtp_stream_get_property (GObject * object,
    guint prop_id,
    GValue * value,
    GParamSpec * pspec)


if (condition)
  die ();
  die ();

For blocks that only contain one statement, the opening/closing brackets can be omitted. But this can only be done if all the blocks in a statement contain only one statement. This is an ILLEGAL example :

if (condition)
  die ();
  die ();
  die_again ();

In C, 0 is false, non-zero is true. No need to say it.


if (aa == FALSE) {}
if (aa == TRUE) {}
if (aa == NULL) {}
if (aa != NULL) {}


if (aa) {}
if (!aa) {}

Breaks and boolean operators

if (self->priv->main_pipeline && src_in_pipeline
    || !self->priv->your_mama)

Pointer declarations

Type *var;


switch (var)
  case 4:
    die ();
  case 5:
    die ();


FsRtpStream *self = FS_RTP_STREAM (stream);


If you're going to #include "config.h", do that first, in case it defines things like "inline".

Next, #include the header in which this .c file's API is declared. This guarantees that all public headers are self-contained.

Next, #define any libc feature-test macros you need (GNUSOURCE etc.) and #include any C/POSIX standard library headers you need, in alphabetical order.

Next, #include any headers you need from non-standard libraries (GLib, Gtk, GStreamer, ...) in alphabetical order.

Finally, #include any private (non-installed) headers from the library or program you're writing.

Emacs mode

(defun farstream-c-mode ()
  "C mode with Farstream style"
  (c-set-style "GNU")
  (setq tab-width 8)
  (setq indent-tabs-mode nil)
  (setq c-basic-offset 2)
  (setq c-tab-always-indent nil)
  (setq show-trailing-whitespace 't)
  (c-set-offset 'case-label 2)
  (c-set-offset 'arglist-intro 4)
  (c-set-offset 'statement-cont 4)
  (c-set-offset 'substatement-open 0)
  (c-set-offset 'arglist-cont-nonempty 4)
  (setq c-cleanup-list (quote (brace-else-brace brace-elseif-brace space-before-funcall))) 