27 #include <pulse/cdecl.h>
30 #include <pulse/version.h>
void(* pa_context_event_cb_t)(pa_context *c, const char *name, pa_proplist *p, void *userdata)
A callback for asynchronous meta/policy event messages.
Definition: context.h:167
pa_operation * pa_context_set_default_sink(pa_context *c, const char *name, pa_context_success_cb_t cb, void *userdata)
Set the name of the default sink.
void(* pa_context_success_cb_t)(pa_context *c, int success, void *userdata)
A generic callback for operation completion.
Definition: context.h:160
void pa_context_disconnect(pa_context *c)
Terminate the context connection immediately.
void(* pa_context_notify_cb_t)(pa_context *c, void *userdata)
Generic notification callback prototype.
Definition: context.h:157
int pa_context_is_local(const pa_context *c)
Returns 1 when the connection is to a local daemon.
pa_context * pa_context_new(pa_mainloop_api *mainloop, const char *name)
Instantiate a new connection context with an abstract mainloop API and an application name.
void pa_context_unref(pa_context *c)
Decrease the reference counter of the context by one.
uint32_t pa_context_get_protocol_version(const pa_context *c)
Return the protocol version of the library.
int pa_context_is_pending(const pa_context *c)
Return non-zero if some data is pending to be written to the connection.
pa_context * pa_context_ref(pa_context *c)
Increase the reference counter of the context by one.
int pa_context_load_cookie_from_file(pa_context *c, const char *cookie_file_path)
Load the authentication cookie from a file.
void pa_context_rttime_restart(const pa_context *c, pa_time_event *e, pa_usec_t usec)
Restart a running or expired timer event source (wrapper for mainloop->time_restart).
int pa_context_errno(const pa_context *c)
Return the error number of the last failed operation.
int pa_context_connect(pa_context *c, const char *server, pa_context_flags_t flags, const pa_spawn_api *api)
Connect the context to the specified server.
pa_operation * pa_context_exit_daemon(pa_context *c, pa_context_success_cb_t cb, void *userdata)
Tell the daemon to exit.
uint32_t pa_context_get_server_protocol_version(const pa_context *c)
Return the protocol version of the connected server.
const char * pa_context_get_server(const pa_context *c)
Return the server name this context is connected to.
uint32_t pa_context_get_index(const pa_context *s)
Return the client index this context is identified in the server with.
pa_operation * pa_context_drain(pa_context *c, pa_context_notify_cb_t cb, void *userdata)
Drain the context.
size_t pa_context_get_tile_size(const pa_context *c, const pa_sample_spec *ss)
Return the optimal block size for passing around audio buffers.
void pa_context_set_event_callback(pa_context *p, pa_context_event_cb_t cb, void *userdata)
Set a callback function that is called whenever a meta/policy control event is received.
pa_operation * pa_context_set_default_source(pa_context *c, const char *name, pa_context_success_cb_t cb, void *userdata)
Set the name of the default source.
pa_context * pa_context_new_with_proplist(pa_mainloop_api *mainloop, const char *name, const pa_proplist *proplist)
Instantiate a new connection context with an abstract mainloop API and an application name,...
pa_time_event * pa_context_rttime_new(const pa_context *c, pa_usec_t usec, pa_time_event_cb_t cb, void *userdata)
Create a new timer event source for the specified time (wrapper for mainloop->time_new).
pa_context_state_t pa_context_get_state(const pa_context *c)
Return the current context status.
pa_operation * pa_context_set_name(pa_context *c, const char *name, pa_context_success_cb_t cb, void *userdata)
Set a different application name for context on the server.
pa_operation * pa_context_proplist_remove(pa_context *c, const char *const keys[], pa_context_success_cb_t cb, void *userdata)
Update the property list of the client, remove entries.
void pa_context_set_state_callback(pa_context *c, pa_context_notify_cb_t cb, void *userdata)
Set a callback function that is called whenever the context status changes.
pa_operation * pa_context_proplist_update(pa_context *c, pa_update_mode_t mode, const pa_proplist *p, pa_context_success_cb_t cb, void *userdata)
Update the property list of the client, adding new entries.
struct pa_context pa_context
An opaque connection context to a daemon.
Definition: context.h:154
enum pa_context_flags pa_context_flags_t
Some special flags for contexts.
enum pa_context_state pa_context_state_t
The state of a connection context.
Main loop abstraction layer.
struct pa_time_event pa_time_event
An opaque timer event source object.
Definition: mainloop-api.h:73
void(* pa_time_event_cb_t)(pa_mainloop_api *a, pa_time_event *e, const struct timeval *tv, void *userdata)
A time event callback prototype.
Definition: mainloop-api.h:75
struct pa_operation pa_operation
An asynchronous operation object.
Definition: operation.h:33
Property list constants and functions.
enum pa_update_mode pa_update_mode_t
Update mode enum for pa_proplist_update().
struct pa_proplist pa_proplist
A property list object.
Definition: proplist.h:278
Constants and routines for sample type handling.
uint64_t pa_usec_t
Type for usec specifications (unsigned).
Definition: sample.h:264
An abstract mainloop API vtable.
Definition: mainloop-api.h:87
A sample format and attribute specification.
Definition: sample.h:252
A structure for the spawn api.
Definition: def.h:757