Reporting Bug
If you want to ask for help or send bug reports, please use the Bugzilla and select scim as the product or ask in the SCIM official mailing list. In addition to the infomation asked in the bugzilla, please also be sure to include these information in your mail:
Your system distribution
Please specify the exact distribution and version of your system (for example, Fedora Core 2, SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9, Mandrake 10.0, Debian Sarge, etc.). If you have any unofficial packages installed, it is also good to tell us. The packages especially related to SCIM includes GTK+, g++ (if you built from source), Qt and KDE (if you use skim and/or qt-immodule).
How you installed SCIM
Please tell us if you built from source or installed binary packages.
If you built SCIM from source, please tell the tarball version (or !CVS), and the command you used to install SCIM. The [[ScimInstall][installation instructions|ScimInstall][installation instructions]] are recommended, and if you used something different, be sure to say so!
If you installed pre-built binary packages, please tell which packages you used, especially if they are not from this site. It would be also good to tell us the command (or actions, if you used some GUI package tool) you installed these binary packages.
Your desktop environment
If SCIM installed fine but you can't invoke it, most likely you are having something wrong with your desktop environment. Please send these information with your report: Your locale (paste the output of command locale
is sufficient), your desktop enviroment (GNOME, KDE, etc.), the value of the environment variables $XMODIFIERS and $GTK_IM_MODULE.
How you started SCIM
It is also important to tell us how you started SCIM on your system -- whether you run the commands by hand, or put them in some config file. Please tell exact what command you used, and which file you put them in.
-- Main.?LiuCougar - 19 Aug 2004