FreeBSD? [was: compiling, not found]

Andrew Turner
Thu, 15 Jan 2004 23:32:19 +1300

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Eric Anholt wrote:

>I've spent a lot of time fighting with autotools both with this project
>and glide on FreeBSD.  Usually for fd.o stuff I just roll a distfile
>from a linux system and then build on FreeBSD, but for working on new
>code it's nice to be able to use ./ sorts of things.  What I
>ended up with was making a directory full of symlinks, such from
>autoconf to autoconf257, so that autoconf 2.57, libtool 1.5, and
>automake 1.7 were always found when a versioned name wasn't used.  My
>autogen script puts the symlink dir first in the PATH, cats
>${LOCALBASE}/share/aclocal/libtool15.m4 and pkg.m4 to acinclude.m4,
>because ${LOCALBASE}/share/aclocal17 lacks them, then does the normal
>aclocal ; autoheader ; automake --add-missing ; autoconf ; ./configure.
>If there's an easier way of doing this that doesn't screw up other
>platforms (Doesn't the AC_PROG_LIBTOOL change cause some problems?), I'd
>love to see it.
I use this script to build the source. Because autoreconf reads the 
tools from its environment you don't need to use the symlink trick if 
you tell it where to look.


 I'm not worried about Artificial Intelligence, when they invent Artificial Stupidity, then I'll be scared.

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set -e


INSTALL_CMD="sudo gmake install"
#CLEAN_CMD="gmake clean"

#export PATH=/random/dir/to/add/to/the/path:$PATH

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/opt/XServe/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH"
#export LDFLAGS="-L/random/lib/dir"
#export CPPFLAGS="-I/random/include/dir"
export ACLOCAL_FLAGS="-I /usr/local/share/aclocal17 -I /usr/local/share/aclocal"

export AUTOCONF=autoconf257
export AUTOMAKE=automake17
export AUTOHEADER=autoheader257
export ACLOCAL="aclocal17 ${ACLOCAL_FLAGS}"
export LIBTOOLIZE=libtoolize15


do_build () {
  if test "X$2" != "Xf"
    echo "Building $1"
    cd $1
    if test "X$REGEN" != "Xfalse"
      ./ --prefix=${INST_PREFIX} $3
  cd ${CURDIR}

do_build Xproto		f
do_build Xdmcp		f
do_build XExtensions	f
do_build xtrans		f
do_build Xau		f
do_build X11		f
do_build Xext		f
do_build Randr		f
do_build Render		f
do_build Xrender	f
do_build Xrandr		f
do_build FixesExt	f
do_build DamageExt	f
do_build Xfont		f
do_build ResourceExt	f
do_build CompositeExt	f
do_build xserver	t "--enable-composite"
do_build Xfixes		f
do_build Xcomposite	f
do_build Xdamage	f

cd xcompmgr
#sudo install -d ${INST_PREFIX}/bin
#sudo install xcompmgr ${INST_PREFIX}/bin
#gmake clean
cd ..
