
MMBearerProperties — Helper object to handle bearer properties.


struct              MMBearerProperties;

MMBearerProperties * mm_bearer_properties_new           (void);

const gchar *       mm_bearer_properties_get_apn        (MMBearerProperties *self);
void                mm_bearer_properties_set_apn        (MMBearerProperties *self,
                                                         const gchar *apn);
MMBearerAllowedAuth mm_bearer_properties_get_allowed_auth
                                                        (MMBearerProperties *self);
void                mm_bearer_properties_set_allowed_auth
                                                        (MMBearerProperties *self,
                                                         MMBearerAllowedAuth allowed_auth);
const gchar *       mm_bearer_properties_get_user       (MMBearerProperties *self);
void                mm_bearer_properties_set_user       (MMBearerProperties *self,
                                                         const gchar *user);
const gchar *       mm_bearer_properties_get_password   (MMBearerProperties *self);
void                mm_bearer_properties_set_password   (MMBearerProperties *self,
                                                         const gchar *password);
MMBearerIpFamily    mm_bearer_properties_get_ip_type    (MMBearerProperties *self);
void                mm_bearer_properties_set_ip_type    (MMBearerProperties *self,
                                                         MMBearerIpFamily ip_type);
gboolean            mm_bearer_properties_get_allow_roaming
                                                        (MMBearerProperties *self);
void                mm_bearer_properties_set_allow_roaming
                                                        (MMBearerProperties *self,
                                                         gboolean allow_roaming);
const gchar *       mm_bearer_properties_get_number     (MMBearerProperties *self);
void                mm_bearer_properties_set_number     (MMBearerProperties *self,
                                                         const gchar *number);
MMModemCdmaRmProtocol mm_bearer_properties_get_rm_protocol
                                                        (MMBearerProperties *self);
void                mm_bearer_properties_set_rm_protocol
                                                        (MMBearerProperties *self,
                                                         MMModemCdmaRmProtocol protocol);

Object Hierarchy



The MMBearerProperties is an object handling the properties requested to ModemManager when creating a new bearer.

This object is created by the user and passed to ModemManager with either mm_modem_create_bearer() or mm_modem_create_bearer_sync().


struct MMBearerProperties

struct MMBearerProperties;

The MMBearerProperties structure contains private data and should only be accessed using the provided API.

mm_bearer_properties_new ()

MMBearerProperties * mm_bearer_properties_new           (void);

Creates a new empty MMBearerProperties.

Returns :

a MMBearerProperties. The returned value should be freed with g_object_unref(). [transfer full]

mm_bearer_properties_get_apn ()

const gchar *       mm_bearer_properties_get_apn        (MMBearerProperties *self);

Gets the name of the access point to use when connecting.

self :

a MMBearerProperties.

Returns :

the access point, or NULL if not set. Do not free the returned value, it is owned by self. [transfer none]

mm_bearer_properties_set_apn ()

void                mm_bearer_properties_set_apn        (MMBearerProperties *self,
                                                         const gchar *apn);

Sets the name of the access point to use when connecting.

self :

a MMBearerProperties.

apn :

Name of the access point.

mm_bearer_properties_get_allowed_auth ()

MMBearerAllowedAuth mm_bearer_properties_get_allowed_auth
                                                        (MMBearerProperties *self);

Gets the authentication methods allowed in the connection.

self :

a MMBearerProperties.

Returns :

a bitmask of MMBearerAllowedAuth values, or MM_BEARER_ALLOWED_AUTH_UNKNOWN to request the modem-default method.

mm_bearer_properties_set_allowed_auth ()

void                mm_bearer_properties_set_allowed_auth
                                                        (MMBearerProperties *self,
                                                         MMBearerAllowedAuth allowed_auth);

Sets the authentication method to use.

self :

a MMBearerProperties.

allowed_auth :

a bitmask of MMBearerAllowedAuth values. MM_BEARER_ALLOWED_AUTH_UNKNOWN may be given to request the modem-default method.

mm_bearer_properties_get_user ()

const gchar *       mm_bearer_properties_get_user       (MMBearerProperties *self);

Gets the username used to authenticate with the access point.

self :

a MMBearerProperties.

Returns :

the username, or NULL if not set. Do not free the returned value, it is owned by self. [transfer none]

mm_bearer_properties_set_user ()

void                mm_bearer_properties_set_user       (MMBearerProperties *self,
                                                         const gchar *user);

Sets the username used to authenticate with the access point.

self :

a MMBearerProperties.

user :

the username

mm_bearer_properties_get_password ()

const gchar *       mm_bearer_properties_get_password   (MMBearerProperties *self);

Gets the password used to authenticate with the access point.

self :

a MMBearerProperties.

Returns :

the password, or NULL if not set. Do not free the returned value, it is owned by self. [transfer none]

mm_bearer_properties_set_password ()

void                mm_bearer_properties_set_password   (MMBearerProperties *self,
                                                         const gchar *password);

Sets the password used to authenticate with the access point.

self :

a MMBearerProperties.

password :

the password

mm_bearer_properties_get_ip_type ()

MMBearerIpFamily    mm_bearer_properties_get_ip_type    (MMBearerProperties *self);

Sets the IP type to use.

self :

a MMBearerProperties.

Returns :

a MMBearerIpFamily.

mm_bearer_properties_set_ip_type ()

void                mm_bearer_properties_set_ip_type    (MMBearerProperties *self,
                                                         MMBearerIpFamily ip_type);

Sets the IP type to use.

self :

a MMBearerProperties.

ip_type :

a MMBearerIpFamily.

mm_bearer_properties_get_allow_roaming ()

gboolean            mm_bearer_properties_get_allow_roaming
                                                        (MMBearerProperties *self);

Checks whether roaming is allowed in the connection.

self :

a MMBearerProperties.

Returns :

TRUE if roaming is allowed, FALSE otherwise..

mm_bearer_properties_set_allow_roaming ()

void                mm_bearer_properties_set_allow_roaming
                                                        (MMBearerProperties *self,
                                                         gboolean allow_roaming);

Sets the flag to indicate whether roaming is allowed or not in the connection.

self :

a MMBearerProperties.

allow_roaming :

boolean value.

mm_bearer_properties_get_number ()

const gchar *       mm_bearer_properties_get_number     (MMBearerProperties *self);

Gets the number to use when performing the connection.

self :

a MMBearerProperties.

Returns :

the number, or NULL if not set. Do not free the returned value, it is owned by self. [transfer none]

mm_bearer_properties_set_number ()

void                mm_bearer_properties_set_number     (MMBearerProperties *self,
                                                         const gchar *number);

Sets the number to use when performing the connection.

self :

a MMBearerProperties.

number :

the number.

mm_bearer_properties_get_rm_protocol ()

MMModemCdmaRmProtocol mm_bearer_properties_get_rm_protocol
                                                        (MMBearerProperties *self);

Gets the RM protocol requested to use in the CDMA connection.

self :

a MMBearerProperties.

Returns :

a MMModemCdmaRmProtocol.

mm_bearer_properties_set_rm_protocol ()

void                mm_bearer_properties_set_rm_protocol
                                                        (MMBearerProperties *self,
                                                         MMModemCdmaRmProtocol protocol);