Basic Connect

Basic Connect


void                mbim_pin_desc_free                  (MbimPinDesc *var);

void                mbim_provisioned_context_element_array_free
                                                        (MbimProvisionedContextElement **array);

void                mbim_ipv4_element_array_free        (MbimIPv4Element **array);

void                mbim_ipv6_element_array_free        (MbimIPv6Element **array);

void                mbim_device_service_element_array_free
                                                        (MbimDeviceServiceElement **array);

MbimMessage *       mbim_message_device_caps_query_new  (GError **error);
gboolean            mbim_message_device_caps_response_parse
                                                        (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         MbimDeviceType *device_type,
                                                         MbimCellularClass *cellular_class,
                                                         MbimVoiceClass *voice_class,
                                                         MbimSimClass *sim_class,
                                                         MbimDataClass *data_class,
                                                         MbimSmsCaps *sms_caps,
                                                         MbimCtrlCaps *control_caps,
                                                         guint32 *max_sessions,
                                                         gchar **custom_data_class,
                                                         gchar **device_id,
                                                         gchar **firmware_info,
                                                         gchar **hardware_info,
                                                         GError **error);

MbimMessage *       mbim_message_subscriber_ready_status_query_new
                                                        (GError **error);
gboolean            mbim_message_subscriber_ready_status_response_parse
                                                        (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         MbimSubscriberReadyState *ready_state,
                                                         gchar **subscriber_id,
                                                         gchar **sim_icc_id,
                                                         MbimReadyInfoFlag *ready_info,
                                                         guint32 *telephone_numbers_count,
                                                         gchar ***telephone_numbers,
                                                         GError **error);

MbimMessage *       mbim_message_radio_state_query_new  (GError **error);
MbimMessage *       mbim_message_radio_state_set_new    (MbimRadioSwitchState radio_state,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            mbim_message_radio_state_response_parse
                                                        (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         MbimRadioSwitchState *hw_radio_state,
                                                         MbimRadioSwitchState *sw_radio_state,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            mbim_message_radio_state_notification_parse
                                                        (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         MbimRadioSwitchState *hw_radio_state,
                                                         MbimRadioSwitchState *sw_radio_state,
                                                         GError **error);

MbimMessage *       mbim_message_pin_query_new          (GError **error);
MbimMessage *       mbim_message_pin_set_new            (MbimPinType pin_type,
                                                         MbimPinOperation pin_operation,
                                                         const gchar *pin,
                                                         const gchar *new_pin,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            mbim_message_pin_response_parse     (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         MbimPinType *pin_type,
                                                         MbimPinState *pin_state,
                                                         guint32 *remaining_attempts,
                                                         GError **error);

MbimMessage *       mbim_message_pin_list_query_new     (GError **error);
gboolean            mbim_message_pin_list_response_parse
                                                        (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         MbimPinDesc **pin_desc_pin1,
                                                         MbimPinDesc **pin_desc_pin2,
                                                         MbimPinDesc **pin_desc_device_sim_pin,
                                                         MbimPinDesc **pin_desc_device_first_sim_pin,
                                                         MbimPinDesc **pin_desc_network_pin,
                                                         MbimPinDesc **pin_desc_network_subset_pin,
                                                         MbimPinDesc **pin_desc_service_provider_pin,
                                                         MbimPinDesc **pin_desc_corporate_pin,
                                                         MbimPinDesc **pin_desc_subsidy_lock,
                                                         MbimPinDesc **pin_desc_custom,
                                                         GError **error);

MbimMessage *       mbim_message_register_state_query_new
                                                        (GError **error);
MbimMessage *       mbim_message_register_state_set_new (const gchar *provider_id,
                                                         MbimRegisterAction register_action,
                                                         MbimDataClass data_class,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            mbim_message_register_state_response_parse
                                                        (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         MbimNwError *nw_error,
                                                         MbimRegisterState *register_state,
                                                         MbimRegisterMode *register_mode,
                                                         MbimDataClass *available_data_classes,
                                                         MbimCellularClass *current_cellular_class,
                                                         gchar **provider_id,
                                                         gchar **provider_name,
                                                         gchar **roaming_text,
                                                         MbimRegistrationFlag *registration_flag,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            mbim_message_register_state_notification_parse
                                                        (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         MbimNwError *nw_error,
                                                         MbimRegisterState *register_state,
                                                         MbimRegisterMode *register_mode,
                                                         MbimDataClass *available_data_classes,
                                                         MbimCellularClass *current_cellular_class,
                                                         gchar **provider_id,
                                                         gchar **provider_name,
                                                         gchar **roaming_text,
                                                         MbimRegistrationFlag *registration_flag,
                                                         GError **error);

MbimMessage *       mbim_message_signal_state_query_new (GError **error);
MbimMessage *       mbim_message_signal_state_set_new   (guint32 signal_strength_interval,
                                                         guint32 rssi_threshold,
                                                         guint32 error_rate_threshold,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            mbim_message_signal_state_response_parse
                                                        (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         guint32 *rssi,
                                                         guint32 *error_rate,
                                                         guint32 *signal_strength_interval,
                                                         guint32 *rssi_threshold,
                                                         guint32 *error_rate_threshold,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            mbim_message_signal_state_notification_parse
                                                        (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         guint32 *rssi,
                                                         guint32 *error_rate,
                                                         guint32 *signal_strength_interval,
                                                         guint32 *rssi_threshold,
                                                         guint32 *error_rate_threshold,
                                                         GError **error);

MbimMessage *       mbim_message_packet_service_query_new
                                                        (GError **error);
MbimMessage *       mbim_message_packet_service_set_new (MbimPacketServiceAction packet_service_action,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            mbim_message_packet_service_response_parse
                                                        (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         guint32 *nw_error,
                                                         MbimPacketServiceState *packet_service_state,
                                                         MbimDataClass *highest_available_data_class,
                                                         guint64 *uplink_speed,
                                                         guint64 *downlink_speed,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            mbim_message_packet_service_notification_parse
                                                        (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         guint32 *nw_error,
                                                         MbimPacketServiceState *packet_service_state,
                                                         MbimDataClass *highest_available_data_class,
                                                         guint64 *uplink_speed,
                                                         guint64 *downlink_speed,
                                                         GError **error);

MbimMessage *       mbim_message_connect_query_new      (guint32 session_id,
                                                         MbimActivationState activation_state,
                                                         MbimVoiceCallState voice_call_state,
                                                         MbimContextIpType ip_type,
                                                         const MbimUuid *context_type,
                                                         guint32 nw_error,
                                                         GError **error);
MbimMessage *       mbim_message_connect_set_new        (guint32 session_id,
                                                         MbimActivationCommand activation_command,
                                                         const gchar *access_string,
                                                         const gchar *user_name,
                                                         const gchar *password,
                                                         MbimCompression compression,
                                                         MbimAuthProtocol auth_protocol,
                                                         MbimContextIpType ip_type,
                                                         const MbimUuid *context_type,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            mbim_message_connect_response_parse (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         guint32 *session_id,
                                                         MbimActivationState *activation_state,
                                                         MbimVoiceCallState *voice_call_state,
                                                         MbimContextIpType *ip_type,
                                                         const MbimUuid **context_type,
                                                         guint32 *nw_error,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            mbim_message_connect_notification_parse
                                                        (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         guint32 *session_id,
                                                         MbimActivationState *activation_state,
                                                         MbimVoiceCallState *voice_call_state,
                                                         MbimContextIpType *ip_type,
                                                         const MbimUuid **context_type,
                                                         guint32 *nw_error,
                                                         GError **error);

MbimMessage *       mbim_message_provisioned_contexts_query_new
                                                        (GError **error);
MbimMessage *       mbim_message_provisioned_contexts_set_new
                                                        (guint32 context_id,
                                                         const MbimUuid *context_type,
                                                         const gchar *access_string,
                                                         const gchar *user_name,
                                                         const gchar *password,
                                                         MbimCompression compression,
                                                         MbimAuthProtocol auth_protocol,
                                                         const gchar *provider_id,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            mbim_message_provisioned_contexts_response_parse
                                                        (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         guint32 *provisioned_contexts_count,
                                                         MbimProvisionedContextElement ***provisioned_contexts,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            mbim_message_provisioned_contexts_notification_parse
                                                        (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         guint32 *provisioned_contexts_count,
                                                         MbimProvisionedContextElement ***provisioned_contexts,
                                                         GError **error);

MbimMessage *       mbim_message_ip_configuration_query_new
                                                        (guint32 session_id,
                                                         MbimIPConfigurationAvailableFlag ipv4_configuration_available,
                                                         MbimIPConfigurationAvailableFlag ipv6_configuration_available,
                                                         guint32 ipv4_address_count,
                                                         const MbimIPv4Element *const *ipv4_address,
                                                         guint32 ipv6_address_count,
                                                         const MbimIPv6Element *const *ipv6_address,
                                                         const MbimIPv4 *ipv4_gateway,
                                                         const MbimIPv6 *ipv6_gateway,
                                                         guint32 ipv4_dns_server_count,
                                                         const MbimIPv4 *ipv4_dns_server,
                                                         guint32 ipv6_dns_server_count,
                                                         const MbimIPv6 *ipv6_dns_server,
                                                         guint32 ipv4_mtu,
                                                         guint32 ipv6_mtu,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            mbim_message_ip_configuration_response_parse
                                                        (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         guint32 *session_id,
                                                         MbimIPConfigurationAvailableFlag *ipv4_configuration_available,
                                                         MbimIPConfigurationAvailableFlag *ipv6_configuration_available,
                                                         guint32 *ipv4_address_count,
                                                         MbimIPv4Element ***ipv4_address,
                                                         guint32 *ipv6_address_count,
                                                         MbimIPv6Element ***ipv6_address,
                                                         const MbimIPv4 **ipv4_gateway,
                                                         const MbimIPv6 **ipv6_gateway,
                                                         guint32 *ipv4_dns_server_count,
                                                         MbimIPv4 **ipv4_dns_server,
                                                         guint32 *ipv6_dns_server_count,
                                                         MbimIPv6 **ipv6_dns_server,
                                                         guint32 *ipv4_mtu,
                                                         guint32 *ipv6_mtu,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            mbim_message_ip_configuration_notification_parse
                                                        (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         guint32 *session_id,
                                                         MbimIPConfigurationAvailableFlag *ipv4_configuration_available,
                                                         MbimIPConfigurationAvailableFlag *ipv6_configuration_available,
                                                         guint32 *ipv4_address_count,
                                                         MbimIPv4Element ***ipv4_address,
                                                         guint32 *ipv6_address_count,
                                                         MbimIPv6Element ***ipv6_address,
                                                         const MbimIPv4 **ipv4_gateway,
                                                         const MbimIPv6 **ipv6_gateway,
                                                         guint32 *ipv4_dns_server_count,
                                                         MbimIPv4 **ipv4_dns_server,
                                                         guint32 *ipv6_dns_server_count,
                                                         MbimIPv6 **ipv6_dns_server,
                                                         guint32 *ipv4_mtu,
                                                         guint32 *ipv6_mtu,
                                                         GError **error);

MbimMessage *       mbim_message_device_services_query_new
                                                        (GError **error);
gboolean            mbim_message_device_services_response_parse
                                                        (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         guint32 *device_services_count,
                                                         guint32 *max_dss_sessions,
                                                         MbimDeviceServiceElement ***device_services,
                                                         GError **error);




typedef struct {
    guint32 pin_mode;
    guint32 pin_format;
    guint32 pin_length_min;
    guint32 pin_length_max;
} MbimPinDesc;

guint32 pin_mode;

a guint32.

guint32 pin_format;

a guint32.

guint32 pin_length_min;

a guint32.

guint32 pin_length_max;

a guint32.

mbim_pin_desc_free ()

void                mbim_pin_desc_free                  (MbimPinDesc *var);

Frees the memory allocated for the MbimPinDesc.

var :

a MbimPinDesc.


typedef struct {
    guint32 context_id;
    MbimUuid context_type;
    gchar *access_string;
    gchar *user_name;
    gchar *password;
    guint32 compression;
    guint32 auth_protocol;
} MbimProvisionedContextElement;

guint32 context_id;

a guint32.

MbimUuid context_type;

a MbimUuid.

gchar *access_string;

a string.

gchar *user_name;

a string.

gchar *password;

a string.

guint32 compression;

a guint32.

guint32 auth_protocol;

a guint32.

mbim_provisioned_context_element_array_free ()

void                mbim_provisioned_context_element_array_free
                                                        (MbimProvisionedContextElement **array);

Frees the memory allocated for the array of MbimProvisionedContextElements.

array :

a NULL terminated array of MbimProvisionedContextElement structs.


typedef struct {
    guint32 on_link_prefix_length;
    MbimIPv4 ipv4_address;
} MbimIPv4Element;

guint32 on_link_prefix_length;

a guint32.

MbimIPv4 ipv4_address;

a MbimIPv4.

mbim_ipv4_element_array_free ()

void                mbim_ipv4_element_array_free        (MbimIPv4Element **array);

Frees the memory allocated for the array of MbimIPv4Elements.

array :

a NULL terminated array of MbimIPv4Element structs.


typedef struct {
    guint32 on_link_prefix_length;
    MbimIPv6 ipv6_address;
} MbimIPv6Element;

guint32 on_link_prefix_length;

a guint32.

MbimIPv6 ipv6_address;

a MbimIPv6

mbim_ipv6_element_array_free ()

void                mbim_ipv6_element_array_free        (MbimIPv6Element **array);

Frees the memory allocated for the array of MbimIPv6Elements.

array :

a NULL terminated array of MbimIPv6Element structs.


typedef struct {
    MbimUuid device_service_id;
    guint32 dss_payload;
    guint32 max_dss_instances;
    guint32 cids_count;
    guint32 *cids;
} MbimDeviceServiceElement;

MbimUuid device_service_id;

a MbimUuid.

guint32 dss_payload;

a guint32.

guint32 max_dss_instances;

a guint32.

guint32 cids_count;

a guint32.

guint32 *cids;

an array of guint32 values.

mbim_device_service_element_array_free ()

void                mbim_device_service_element_array_free
                                                        (MbimDeviceServiceElement **array);

Frees the memory allocated for the array of MbimDeviceServiceElements.

array :

a NULL terminated array of MbimDeviceServiceElement structs.

mbim_message_device_caps_query_new ()

MbimMessage *       mbim_message_device_caps_query_new  (GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'Device Caps' query command in the 'Basic Connect' service.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

a newly allocated MbimMessage, which should be freed with mbim_message_unref().

mbim_message_device_caps_response_parse ()

gboolean            mbim_message_device_caps_response_parse
                                                        (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         MbimDeviceType *device_type,
                                                         MbimCellularClass *cellular_class,
                                                         MbimVoiceClass *voice_class,
                                                         MbimSimClass *sim_class,
                                                         MbimDataClass *data_class,
                                                         MbimSmsCaps *sms_caps,
                                                         MbimCtrlCaps *control_caps,
                                                         guint32 *max_sessions,
                                                         gchar **custom_data_class,
                                                         gchar **device_id,
                                                         gchar **firmware_info,
                                                         gchar **hardware_info,
                                                         GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'HardwareInfo' response command in the 'Basic Connect' service.

message :

the MbimMessage.

device_type :

return location for a MbimDeviceType, or NULL if the 'DeviceType' field is not needed.

cellular_class :

return location for a MbimCellularClass, or NULL if the 'CellularClass' field is not needed.

voice_class :

return location for a MbimVoiceClass, or NULL if the 'VoiceClass' field is not needed.

sim_class :

return location for a MbimSimClass, or NULL if the 'SimClass' field is not needed.

data_class :

return location for a MbimDataClass, or NULL if the 'DataClass' field is not needed.

sms_caps :

return location for a MbimSmsCaps, or NULL if the 'SmsCaps' field is not needed.

control_caps :

return location for a MbimCtrlCaps, or NULL if the 'ControlCaps' field is not needed.

max_sessions :

return location for a guint32, or NULL if the 'MaxSessions' field is not needed.

custom_data_class :

return location for a newly allocated string, or NULL if the 'CustomDataClass' field is not needed. Free the returned value with g_free().

device_id :

return location for a newly allocated string, or NULL if the 'DeviceId' field is not needed. Free the returned value with g_free().

firmware_info :

return location for a newly allocated string, or NULL if the 'FirmwareInfo' field is not needed. Free the returned value with g_free().

hardware_info :

return location for a newly allocated string, or NULL if the 'HardwareInfo' field is not needed. Free the returned value with g_free().

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

TRUE if the message was correctly parsed, FALSE if error is set.

mbim_message_subscriber_ready_status_query_new ()

MbimMessage *       mbim_message_subscriber_ready_status_query_new
                                                        (GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'Subscriber Ready Status' query command in the 'Basic Connect' service.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

a newly allocated MbimMessage, which should be freed with mbim_message_unref().

mbim_message_subscriber_ready_status_response_parse ()

gboolean            mbim_message_subscriber_ready_status_response_parse
                                                        (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         MbimSubscriberReadyState *ready_state,
                                                         gchar **subscriber_id,
                                                         gchar **sim_icc_id,
                                                         MbimReadyInfoFlag *ready_info,
                                                         guint32 *telephone_numbers_count,
                                                         gchar ***telephone_numbers,
                                                         GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'TelephoneNumbers' response command in the 'Basic Connect' service.

message :

the MbimMessage.

ready_state :

return location for a MbimSubscriberReadyState, or NULL if the 'ReadyState' field is not needed.

subscriber_id :

return location for a newly allocated string, or NULL if the 'SubscriberID' field is not needed. Free the returned value with g_free().

sim_icc_id :

return location for a newly allocated string, or NULL if the 'SimIccId' field is not needed. Free the returned value with g_free().

ready_info :

return location for a MbimReadyInfoFlag, or NULL if the 'ReadyInfo' field is not needed.

telephone_numbers_count :

return location for a guint32, or NULL if the 'TelephoneNumbersCount' field is not needed.

telephone_numbers :

return location for a newly allocated array of strings, or NULL if the 'TelephoneNumbers' field is not needed. Free the returned value with g_strfreev().

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

TRUE if the message was correctly parsed, FALSE if error is set.

mbim_message_radio_state_query_new ()

MbimMessage *       mbim_message_radio_state_query_new  (GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'Radio State' query command in the 'Basic Connect' service.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

a newly allocated MbimMessage, which should be freed with mbim_message_unref().

mbim_message_radio_state_set_new ()

MbimMessage *       mbim_message_radio_state_set_new    (MbimRadioSwitchState radio_state,
                                                         GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'Radio State' set command in the 'Basic Connect' service.

radio_state :

the 'RadioState' field, given as a MbimRadioSwitchState.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

a newly allocated MbimMessage, which should be freed with mbim_message_unref().

mbim_message_radio_state_response_parse ()

gboolean            mbim_message_radio_state_response_parse
                                                        (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         MbimRadioSwitchState *hw_radio_state,
                                                         MbimRadioSwitchState *sw_radio_state,
                                                         GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'SwRadioState' response command in the 'Basic Connect' service.

message :

the MbimMessage.

hw_radio_state :

return location for a MbimRadioSwitchState, or NULL if the 'HwRadioState' field is not needed.

sw_radio_state :

return location for a MbimRadioSwitchState, or NULL if the 'SwRadioState' field is not needed.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

TRUE if the message was correctly parsed, FALSE if error is set.

mbim_message_radio_state_notification_parse ()

gboolean            mbim_message_radio_state_notification_parse
                                                        (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         MbimRadioSwitchState *hw_radio_state,
                                                         MbimRadioSwitchState *sw_radio_state,
                                                         GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'SwRadioState' notification command in the 'Basic Connect' service.

message :

the MbimMessage.

hw_radio_state :

return location for a MbimRadioSwitchState, or NULL if the 'HwRadioState' field is not needed.

sw_radio_state :

return location for a MbimRadioSwitchState, or NULL if the 'SwRadioState' field is not needed.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

TRUE if the message was correctly parsed, FALSE if error is set.

mbim_message_pin_query_new ()

MbimMessage *       mbim_message_pin_query_new          (GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'Pin' query command in the 'Basic Connect' service.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

a newly allocated MbimMessage, which should be freed with mbim_message_unref().

mbim_message_pin_set_new ()

MbimMessage *       mbim_message_pin_set_new            (MbimPinType pin_type,
                                                         MbimPinOperation pin_operation,
                                                         const gchar *pin,
                                                         const gchar *new_pin,
                                                         GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'Pin' set command in the 'Basic Connect' service.

pin_type :

the 'PinType' field, given as a MbimPinType.

pin_operation :

the 'PinOperation' field, given as a MbimPinOperation.

pin :

the 'Pin' field, given as a string.

new_pin :

the 'NewPin' field, given as a string.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

a newly allocated MbimMessage, which should be freed with mbim_message_unref().

mbim_message_pin_response_parse ()

gboolean            mbim_message_pin_response_parse     (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         MbimPinType *pin_type,
                                                         MbimPinState *pin_state,
                                                         guint32 *remaining_attempts,
                                                         GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'RemainingAttempts' response command in the 'Basic Connect' service.

message :

the MbimMessage.

pin_type :

return location for a MbimPinType, or NULL if the 'PinType' field is not needed.

pin_state :

return location for a MbimPinState, or NULL if the 'PinState' field is not needed.

remaining_attempts :

return location for a guint32, or NULL if the 'RemainingAttempts' field is not needed.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

TRUE if the message was correctly parsed, FALSE if error is set.

mbim_message_pin_list_query_new ()

MbimMessage *       mbim_message_pin_list_query_new     (GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'Pin List' query command in the 'Basic Connect' service.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

a newly allocated MbimMessage, which should be freed with mbim_message_unref().

mbim_message_pin_list_response_parse ()

gboolean            mbim_message_pin_list_response_parse
                                                        (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         MbimPinDesc **pin_desc_pin1,
                                                         MbimPinDesc **pin_desc_pin2,
                                                         MbimPinDesc **pin_desc_device_sim_pin,
                                                         MbimPinDesc **pin_desc_device_first_sim_pin,
                                                         MbimPinDesc **pin_desc_network_pin,
                                                         MbimPinDesc **pin_desc_network_subset_pin,
                                                         MbimPinDesc **pin_desc_service_provider_pin,
                                                         MbimPinDesc **pin_desc_corporate_pin,
                                                         MbimPinDesc **pin_desc_subsidy_lock,
                                                         MbimPinDesc **pin_desc_custom,
                                                         GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'PinDescCustom' response command in the 'Basic Connect' service.

message :

the MbimMessage.

pin_desc_pin1 :

return location for a newly allocated MbimPinDesc, or NULL if the 'PinDescPin1' field is not needed. Free the returned value with mbim_pin_desc_free().

pin_desc_pin2 :

return location for a newly allocated MbimPinDesc, or NULL if the 'PinDescPin2' field is not needed. Free the returned value with mbim_pin_desc_free().

pin_desc_device_sim_pin :

return location for a newly allocated MbimPinDesc, or NULL if the 'PinDescDeviceSimPin' field is not needed. Free the returned value with mbim_pin_desc_free().

pin_desc_device_first_sim_pin :

return location for a newly allocated MbimPinDesc, or NULL if the 'PinDescDeviceFirstSimPin' field is not needed. Free the returned value with mbim_pin_desc_free().

pin_desc_network_pin :

return location for a newly allocated MbimPinDesc, or NULL if the 'PinDescNetworkPin' field is not needed. Free the returned value with mbim_pin_desc_free().

pin_desc_network_subset_pin :

return location for a newly allocated MbimPinDesc, or NULL if the 'PinDescNetworkSubsetPin' field is not needed. Free the returned value with mbim_pin_desc_free().

pin_desc_service_provider_pin :

return location for a newly allocated MbimPinDesc, or NULL if the 'PinDescServiceProviderPin' field is not needed. Free the returned value with mbim_pin_desc_free().

pin_desc_corporate_pin :

return location for a newly allocated MbimPinDesc, or NULL if the 'PinDescCorporatePin' field is not needed. Free the returned value with mbim_pin_desc_free().

pin_desc_subsidy_lock :

return location for a newly allocated MbimPinDesc, or NULL if the 'PinDescSubsidyLock' field is not needed. Free the returned value with mbim_pin_desc_free().

pin_desc_custom :

return location for a newly allocated MbimPinDesc, or NULL if the 'PinDescCustom' field is not needed. Free the returned value with mbim_pin_desc_free().

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

TRUE if the message was correctly parsed, FALSE if error is set.

mbim_message_register_state_query_new ()

MbimMessage *       mbim_message_register_state_query_new
                                                        (GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'Register State' query command in the 'Basic Connect' service.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

a newly allocated MbimMessage, which should be freed with mbim_message_unref().

mbim_message_register_state_set_new ()

MbimMessage *       mbim_message_register_state_set_new (const gchar *provider_id,
                                                         MbimRegisterAction register_action,
                                                         MbimDataClass data_class,
                                                         GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'Register State' set command in the 'Basic Connect' service.

provider_id :

the 'ProviderId' field, given as a string.

register_action :

the 'RegisterAction' field, given as a MbimRegisterAction.

data_class :

the 'DataClass' field, given as a MbimDataClass.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

a newly allocated MbimMessage, which should be freed with mbim_message_unref().

mbim_message_register_state_response_parse ()

gboolean            mbim_message_register_state_response_parse
                                                        (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         MbimNwError *nw_error,
                                                         MbimRegisterState *register_state,
                                                         MbimRegisterMode *register_mode,
                                                         MbimDataClass *available_data_classes,
                                                         MbimCellularClass *current_cellular_class,
                                                         gchar **provider_id,
                                                         gchar **provider_name,
                                                         gchar **roaming_text,
                                                         MbimRegistrationFlag *registration_flag,
                                                         GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'RegistrationFlag' response command in the 'Basic Connect' service.

message :

the MbimMessage.

nw_error :

return location for a MbimNwError, or NULL if the 'NwError' field is not needed.

register_state :

return location for a MbimRegisterState, or NULL if the 'RegisterState' field is not needed.

register_mode :

return location for a MbimRegisterMode, or NULL if the 'RegisterMode' field is not needed.

available_data_classes :

return location for a MbimDataClass, or NULL if the 'AvailableDataClasses' field is not needed.

current_cellular_class :

return location for a MbimCellularClass, or NULL if the 'CurrentCellularClass' field is not needed.

provider_id :

return location for a newly allocated string, or NULL if the 'ProviderId' field is not needed. Free the returned value with g_free().

provider_name :

return location for a newly allocated string, or NULL if the 'ProviderName' field is not needed. Free the returned value with g_free().

roaming_text :

return location for a newly allocated string, or NULL if the 'RoamingText' field is not needed. Free the returned value with g_free().

registration_flag :

return location for a MbimRegistrationFlag, or NULL if the 'RegistrationFlag' field is not needed.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

TRUE if the message was correctly parsed, FALSE if error is set.

mbim_message_register_state_notification_parse ()

gboolean            mbim_message_register_state_notification_parse
                                                        (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         MbimNwError *nw_error,
                                                         MbimRegisterState *register_state,
                                                         MbimRegisterMode *register_mode,
                                                         MbimDataClass *available_data_classes,
                                                         MbimCellularClass *current_cellular_class,
                                                         gchar **provider_id,
                                                         gchar **provider_name,
                                                         gchar **roaming_text,
                                                         MbimRegistrationFlag *registration_flag,
                                                         GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'RegistrationFlag' notification command in the 'Basic Connect' service.

message :

the MbimMessage.

nw_error :

return location for a MbimNwError, or NULL if the 'NwError' field is not needed.

register_state :

return location for a MbimRegisterState, or NULL if the 'RegisterState' field is not needed.

register_mode :

return location for a MbimRegisterMode, or NULL if the 'RegisterMode' field is not needed.

available_data_classes :

return location for a MbimDataClass, or NULL if the 'AvailableDataClasses' field is not needed.

current_cellular_class :

return location for a MbimCellularClass, or NULL if the 'CurrentCellularClass' field is not needed.

provider_id :

return location for a newly allocated string, or NULL if the 'ProviderId' field is not needed. Free the returned value with g_free().

provider_name :

return location for a newly allocated string, or NULL if the 'ProviderName' field is not needed. Free the returned value with g_free().

roaming_text :

return location for a newly allocated string, or NULL if the 'RoamingText' field is not needed. Free the returned value with g_free().

registration_flag :

return location for a MbimRegistrationFlag, or NULL if the 'RegistrationFlag' field is not needed.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

TRUE if the message was correctly parsed, FALSE if error is set.

mbim_message_signal_state_query_new ()

MbimMessage *       mbim_message_signal_state_query_new (GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'Signal State' query command in the 'Basic Connect' service.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

a newly allocated MbimMessage, which should be freed with mbim_message_unref().

mbim_message_signal_state_set_new ()

MbimMessage *       mbim_message_signal_state_set_new   (guint32 signal_strength_interval,
                                                         guint32 rssi_threshold,
                                                         guint32 error_rate_threshold,
                                                         GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'Signal State' set command in the 'Basic Connect' service.

signal_strength_interval :

the 'SignalStrengthInterval' field, given as a guint32.

rssi_threshold :

the 'RssiThreshold' field, given as a guint32.

error_rate_threshold :

the 'ErrorRateThreshold' field, given as a guint32.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

a newly allocated MbimMessage, which should be freed with mbim_message_unref().

mbim_message_signal_state_response_parse ()

gboolean            mbim_message_signal_state_response_parse
                                                        (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         guint32 *rssi,
                                                         guint32 *error_rate,
                                                         guint32 *signal_strength_interval,
                                                         guint32 *rssi_threshold,
                                                         guint32 *error_rate_threshold,
                                                         GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'ErrorRateThreshold' response command in the 'Basic Connect' service.

message :

the MbimMessage.

rssi :

return location for a guint32, or NULL if the 'Rssi' field is not needed.

error_rate :

return location for a guint32, or NULL if the 'ErrorRate' field is not needed.

signal_strength_interval :

return location for a guint32, or NULL if the 'SignalStrengthInterval' field is not needed.

rssi_threshold :

return location for a guint32, or NULL if the 'RssiThreshold' field is not needed.

error_rate_threshold :

return location for a guint32, or NULL if the 'ErrorRateThreshold' field is not needed.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

TRUE if the message was correctly parsed, FALSE if error is set.

mbim_message_signal_state_notification_parse ()

gboolean            mbim_message_signal_state_notification_parse
                                                        (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         guint32 *rssi,
                                                         guint32 *error_rate,
                                                         guint32 *signal_strength_interval,
                                                         guint32 *rssi_threshold,
                                                         guint32 *error_rate_threshold,
                                                         GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'ErrorRateThreshold' notification command in the 'Basic Connect' service.

message :

the MbimMessage.

rssi :

return location for a guint32, or NULL if the 'Rssi' field is not needed.

error_rate :

return location for a guint32, or NULL if the 'ErrorRate' field is not needed.

signal_strength_interval :

return location for a guint32, or NULL if the 'SignalStrengthInterval' field is not needed.

rssi_threshold :

return location for a guint32, or NULL if the 'RssiThreshold' field is not needed.

error_rate_threshold :

return location for a guint32, or NULL if the 'ErrorRateThreshold' field is not needed.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

TRUE if the message was correctly parsed, FALSE if error is set.

mbim_message_packet_service_query_new ()

MbimMessage *       mbim_message_packet_service_query_new
                                                        (GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'Packet Service' query command in the 'Basic Connect' service.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

a newly allocated MbimMessage, which should be freed with mbim_message_unref().

mbim_message_packet_service_set_new ()

MbimMessage *       mbim_message_packet_service_set_new (MbimPacketServiceAction packet_service_action,
                                                         GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'Packet Service' set command in the 'Basic Connect' service.

packet_service_action :

the 'PacketServiceAction' field, given as a MbimPacketServiceAction.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

a newly allocated MbimMessage, which should be freed with mbim_message_unref().

mbim_message_packet_service_response_parse ()

gboolean            mbim_message_packet_service_response_parse
                                                        (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         guint32 *nw_error,
                                                         MbimPacketServiceState *packet_service_state,
                                                         MbimDataClass *highest_available_data_class,
                                                         guint64 *uplink_speed,
                                                         guint64 *downlink_speed,
                                                         GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'DownlinkSpeed' response command in the 'Basic Connect' service.

message :

the MbimMessage.

nw_error :

return location for a guint32, or NULL if the 'NwError' field is not needed.

packet_service_state :

return location for a MbimPacketServiceState, or NULL if the 'PacketServiceState' field is not needed.

highest_available_data_class :

return location for a MbimDataClass, or NULL if the 'HighestAvailableDataClass' field is not needed.

uplink_speed :

return location for a guint64, or NULL if the 'UplinkSpeed' field is not needed.

downlink_speed :

return location for a guint64, or NULL if the 'DownlinkSpeed' field is not needed.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

TRUE if the message was correctly parsed, FALSE if error is set.

mbim_message_packet_service_notification_parse ()

gboolean            mbim_message_packet_service_notification_parse
                                                        (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         guint32 *nw_error,
                                                         MbimPacketServiceState *packet_service_state,
                                                         MbimDataClass *highest_available_data_class,
                                                         guint64 *uplink_speed,
                                                         guint64 *downlink_speed,
                                                         GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'DownlinkSpeed' notification command in the 'Basic Connect' service.

message :

the MbimMessage.

nw_error :

return location for a guint32, or NULL if the 'NwError' field is not needed.

packet_service_state :

return location for a MbimPacketServiceState, or NULL if the 'PacketServiceState' field is not needed.

highest_available_data_class :

return location for a MbimDataClass, or NULL if the 'HighestAvailableDataClass' field is not needed.

uplink_speed :

return location for a guint64, or NULL if the 'UplinkSpeed' field is not needed.

downlink_speed :

return location for a guint64, or NULL if the 'DownlinkSpeed' field is not needed.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

TRUE if the message was correctly parsed, FALSE if error is set.

mbim_message_connect_query_new ()

MbimMessage *       mbim_message_connect_query_new      (guint32 session_id,
                                                         MbimActivationState activation_state,
                                                         MbimVoiceCallState voice_call_state,
                                                         MbimContextIpType ip_type,
                                                         const MbimUuid *context_type,
                                                         guint32 nw_error,
                                                         GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'Connect' query command in the 'Basic Connect' service.

session_id :

the 'SessionId' field, given as a guint32.

activation_state :

the 'ActivationState' field, given as a MbimActivationState.

voice_call_state :

the 'VoiceCallState' field, given as a MbimVoiceCallState.

ip_type :

the 'IpType' field, given as a MbimContextIpType.

context_type :

the 'ContextType' field, given as a MbimUuid.

nw_error :

the 'NwError' field, given as a guint32.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

a newly allocated MbimMessage, which should be freed with mbim_message_unref().

mbim_message_connect_set_new ()

MbimMessage *       mbim_message_connect_set_new        (guint32 session_id,
                                                         MbimActivationCommand activation_command,
                                                         const gchar *access_string,
                                                         const gchar *user_name,
                                                         const gchar *password,
                                                         MbimCompression compression,
                                                         MbimAuthProtocol auth_protocol,
                                                         MbimContextIpType ip_type,
                                                         const MbimUuid *context_type,
                                                         GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'Connect' set command in the 'Basic Connect' service.

session_id :

the 'SessionId' field, given as a guint32.

activation_command :

the 'ActivationCommand' field, given as a MbimActivationCommand.

access_string :

the 'AccessString' field, given as a string.

user_name :

the 'UserName' field, given as a string.

password :

the 'Password' field, given as a string.

compression :

the 'Compression' field, given as a MbimCompression.

auth_protocol :

the 'AuthProtocol' field, given as a MbimAuthProtocol.

ip_type :

the 'IpType' field, given as a MbimContextIpType.

context_type :

the 'ContextType' field, given as a MbimUuid.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

a newly allocated MbimMessage, which should be freed with mbim_message_unref().

mbim_message_connect_response_parse ()

gboolean            mbim_message_connect_response_parse (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         guint32 *session_id,
                                                         MbimActivationState *activation_state,
                                                         MbimVoiceCallState *voice_call_state,
                                                         MbimContextIpType *ip_type,
                                                         const MbimUuid **context_type,
                                                         guint32 *nw_error,
                                                         GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'NwError' response command in the 'Basic Connect' service.

message :

the MbimMessage.

session_id :

return location for a guint32, or NULL if the 'SessionId' field is not needed.

activation_state :

return location for a MbimActivationState, or NULL if the 'ActivationState' field is not needed.

voice_call_state :

return location for a MbimVoiceCallState, or NULL if the 'VoiceCallState' field is not needed.

ip_type :

return location for a MbimContextIpType, or NULL if the 'IpType' field is not needed.

context_type :

return location for a MbimUuid, or NULL if the 'ContextType' field is not needed. Do not free the returned value, it is owned by message.

nw_error :

return location for a guint32, or NULL if the 'NwError' field is not needed.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

TRUE if the message was correctly parsed, FALSE if error is set.

mbim_message_connect_notification_parse ()

gboolean            mbim_message_connect_notification_parse
                                                        (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         guint32 *session_id,
                                                         MbimActivationState *activation_state,
                                                         MbimVoiceCallState *voice_call_state,
                                                         MbimContextIpType *ip_type,
                                                         const MbimUuid **context_type,
                                                         guint32 *nw_error,
                                                         GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'NwError' notification command in the 'Basic Connect' service.

message :

the MbimMessage.

session_id :

return location for a guint32, or NULL if the 'SessionId' field is not needed.

activation_state :

return location for a MbimActivationState, or NULL if the 'ActivationState' field is not needed.

voice_call_state :

return location for a MbimVoiceCallState, or NULL if the 'VoiceCallState' field is not needed.

ip_type :

return location for a MbimContextIpType, or NULL if the 'IpType' field is not needed.

context_type :

return location for a MbimUuid, or NULL if the 'ContextType' field is not needed. Do not free the returned value, it is owned by message.

nw_error :

return location for a guint32, or NULL if the 'NwError' field is not needed.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

TRUE if the message was correctly parsed, FALSE if error is set.

mbim_message_provisioned_contexts_query_new ()

MbimMessage *       mbim_message_provisioned_contexts_query_new
                                                        (GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'Provisioned Contexts' query command in the 'Basic Connect' service.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

a newly allocated MbimMessage, which should be freed with mbim_message_unref().

mbim_message_provisioned_contexts_set_new ()

MbimMessage *       mbim_message_provisioned_contexts_set_new
                                                        (guint32 context_id,
                                                         const MbimUuid *context_type,
                                                         const gchar *access_string,
                                                         const gchar *user_name,
                                                         const gchar *password,
                                                         MbimCompression compression,
                                                         MbimAuthProtocol auth_protocol,
                                                         const gchar *provider_id,
                                                         GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'Provisioned Contexts' set command in the 'Basic Connect' service.

context_id :

the 'ContextId' field, given as a guint32.

context_type :

the 'ContextType' field, given as a MbimUuid.

access_string :

the 'AccessString' field, given as a string.

user_name :

the 'UserName' field, given as a string.

password :

the 'Password' field, given as a string.

compression :

the 'Compression' field, given as a MbimCompression.

auth_protocol :

the 'AuthProtocol' field, given as a MbimAuthProtocol.

provider_id :

the 'ProviderId' field, given as a string.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

a newly allocated MbimMessage, which should be freed with mbim_message_unref().

mbim_message_provisioned_contexts_response_parse ()

gboolean            mbim_message_provisioned_contexts_response_parse
                                                        (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         guint32 *provisioned_contexts_count,
                                                         MbimProvisionedContextElement ***provisioned_contexts,
                                                         GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'ProvisionedContexts' response command in the 'Basic Connect' service.

message :

the MbimMessage.

provisioned_contexts_count :

return location for a guint32, or NULL if the 'ProvisionedContextsCount' field is not needed.

provisioned_contexts :

return location for a newly allocated array of MbimProvisionedContextElements, or NULL if the 'ProvisionedContexts' field is not needed. Free the returned value with mbim_provisioned_context_element_array_free().

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

TRUE if the message was correctly parsed, FALSE if error is set.

mbim_message_provisioned_contexts_notification_parse ()

gboolean            mbim_message_provisioned_contexts_notification_parse
                                                        (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         guint32 *provisioned_contexts_count,
                                                         MbimProvisionedContextElement ***provisioned_contexts,
                                                         GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'ProvisionedContexts' notification command in the 'Basic Connect' service.

message :

the MbimMessage.

provisioned_contexts_count :

return location for a guint32, or NULL if the 'ProvisionedContextsCount' field is not needed.

provisioned_contexts :

return location for a newly allocated array of MbimProvisionedContextElements, or NULL if the 'ProvisionedContexts' field is not needed. Free the returned value with mbim_provisioned_context_element_array_free().

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

TRUE if the message was correctly parsed, FALSE if error is set.

mbim_message_ip_configuration_query_new ()

MbimMessage *       mbim_message_ip_configuration_query_new
                                                        (guint32 session_id,
                                                         MbimIPConfigurationAvailableFlag ipv4_configuration_available,
                                                         MbimIPConfigurationAvailableFlag ipv6_configuration_available,
                                                         guint32 ipv4_address_count,
                                                         const MbimIPv4Element *const *ipv4_address,
                                                         guint32 ipv6_address_count,
                                                         const MbimIPv6Element *const *ipv6_address,
                                                         const MbimIPv4 *ipv4_gateway,
                                                         const MbimIPv6 *ipv6_gateway,
                                                         guint32 ipv4_dns_server_count,
                                                         const MbimIPv4 *ipv4_dns_server,
                                                         guint32 ipv6_dns_server_count,
                                                         const MbimIPv6 *ipv6_dns_server,
                                                         guint32 ipv4_mtu,
                                                         guint32 ipv6_mtu,
                                                         GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'IP Configuration' query command in the 'Basic Connect' service.

session_id :

the 'SessionId' field, given as a guint32.

ipv4_configuration_available :

the 'IPv4ConfigurationAvailable' field, given as a MbimIPConfigurationAvailableFlag.

ipv6_configuration_available :

the 'IPv6ConfigurationAvailable' field, given as a MbimIPConfigurationAvailableFlag.

ipv4_address_count :

the 'IPv4AddressCount' field, given as a guint32.

ipv4_address :

the 'IPv4Address' field, given as an array of MbimIPv4Elements.

ipv6_address_count :

the 'IPv6AddressCount' field, given as a guint32.

ipv6_address :

the 'IPv6Address' field, given as an array of MbimIPv6Elements.

ipv4_gateway :

the 'IPv4Gateway' field, given as a MbimIPv4.

ipv6_gateway :

the 'IPv6Gateway' field, given as a MbimIPv6.

ipv4_dns_server_count :

the 'IPv4DnsServerCount' field, given as a guint32.

ipv4_dns_server :

the 'IPv4DnsServer' field, given as an array of MbimIPv4.

ipv6_dns_server_count :

the 'IPv6DnsServerCount' field, given as a guint32.

ipv6_dns_server :

the 'IPv6DnsServer' field, given as an array of MbimIPv6.

ipv4_mtu :

the 'IPv4Mtu' field, given as a guint32.

ipv6_mtu :

the 'IPv6Mtu' field, given as a guint32.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

a newly allocated MbimMessage, which should be freed with mbim_message_unref().

mbim_message_ip_configuration_response_parse ()

gboolean            mbim_message_ip_configuration_response_parse
                                                        (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         guint32 *session_id,
                                                         MbimIPConfigurationAvailableFlag *ipv4_configuration_available,
                                                         MbimIPConfigurationAvailableFlag *ipv6_configuration_available,
                                                         guint32 *ipv4_address_count,
                                                         MbimIPv4Element ***ipv4_address,
                                                         guint32 *ipv6_address_count,
                                                         MbimIPv6Element ***ipv6_address,
                                                         const MbimIPv4 **ipv4_gateway,
                                                         const MbimIPv6 **ipv6_gateway,
                                                         guint32 *ipv4_dns_server_count,
                                                         MbimIPv4 **ipv4_dns_server,
                                                         guint32 *ipv6_dns_server_count,
                                                         MbimIPv6 **ipv6_dns_server,
                                                         guint32 *ipv4_mtu,
                                                         guint32 *ipv6_mtu,
                                                         GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'IPv6Mtu' response command in the 'Basic Connect' service.

message :

the MbimMessage.

session_id :

return location for a guint32, or NULL if the 'SessionId' field is not needed.

ipv4_configuration_available :

return location for a MbimIPConfigurationAvailableFlag, or NULL if the 'IPv4ConfigurationAvailable' field is not needed.

ipv6_configuration_available :

return location for a MbimIPConfigurationAvailableFlag, or NULL if the 'IPv6ConfigurationAvailable' field is not needed.

ipv4_address_count :

return location for a guint32, or NULL if the 'IPv4AddressCount' field is not needed.

ipv4_address :

return location for a newly allocated array of MbimIPv4Elements, or NULL if the 'IPv4Address' field is not needed. Free the returned value with mbim_ipv4_element_array_free().

ipv6_address_count :

return location for a guint32, or NULL if the 'IPv6AddressCount' field is not needed.

ipv6_address :

return location for a newly allocated array of MbimIPv6Elements, or NULL if the 'IPv6Address' field is not needed. Free the returned value with mbim_ipv6_element_array_free().

ipv4_gateway :

return location for a MbimIPv4, or NULL if the 'IPv4Gateway' field is not needed. Do not free the returned value, it is owned by message.

ipv6_gateway :

return location for a MbimIPv6, or NULL if the 'IPv6Gateway' field is not needed. Do not free the returned value, it is owned by message.

ipv4_dns_server_count :

return location for a guint32, or NULL if the 'IPv4DnsServerCount' field is not needed.

ipv4_dns_server :

return location for a newly allocated array of MbimIPv4s, or NULL if the 'IPv4DnsServer' field is not needed. Free the returned value with g_free().

ipv6_dns_server_count :

return location for a guint32, or NULL if the 'IPv6DnsServerCount' field is not needed.

ipv6_dns_server :

return location for a newly allocated array of MbimIPv6s, or NULL if the 'IPv6DnsServer' field is not needed. Free the returned value with g_free().

ipv4_mtu :

return location for a guint32, or NULL if the 'IPv4Mtu' field is not needed.

ipv6_mtu :

return location for a guint32, or NULL if the 'IPv6Mtu' field is not needed.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

TRUE if the message was correctly parsed, FALSE if error is set.

mbim_message_ip_configuration_notification_parse ()

gboolean            mbim_message_ip_configuration_notification_parse
                                                        (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         guint32 *session_id,
                                                         MbimIPConfigurationAvailableFlag *ipv4_configuration_available,
                                                         MbimIPConfigurationAvailableFlag *ipv6_configuration_available,
                                                         guint32 *ipv4_address_count,
                                                         MbimIPv4Element ***ipv4_address,
                                                         guint32 *ipv6_address_count,
                                                         MbimIPv6Element ***ipv6_address,
                                                         const MbimIPv4 **ipv4_gateway,
                                                         const MbimIPv6 **ipv6_gateway,
                                                         guint32 *ipv4_dns_server_count,
                                                         MbimIPv4 **ipv4_dns_server,
                                                         guint32 *ipv6_dns_server_count,
                                                         MbimIPv6 **ipv6_dns_server,
                                                         guint32 *ipv4_mtu,
                                                         guint32 *ipv6_mtu,
                                                         GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'IPv6Mtu' notification command in the 'Basic Connect' service.

message :

the MbimMessage.

session_id :

return location for a guint32, or NULL if the 'SessionId' field is not needed.

ipv4_configuration_available :

return location for a MbimIPConfigurationAvailableFlag, or NULL if the 'IPv4ConfigurationAvailable' field is not needed.

ipv6_configuration_available :

return location for a MbimIPConfigurationAvailableFlag, or NULL if the 'IPv6ConfigurationAvailable' field is not needed.

ipv4_address_count :

return location for a guint32, or NULL if the 'IPv4AddressCount' field is not needed.

ipv4_address :

return location for a newly allocated array of MbimIPv4Elements, or NULL if the 'IPv4Address' field is not needed. Free the returned value with mbim_ipv4_element_array_free().

ipv6_address_count :

return location for a guint32, or NULL if the 'IPv6AddressCount' field is not needed.

ipv6_address :

return location for a newly allocated array of MbimIPv6Elements, or NULL if the 'IPv6Address' field is not needed. Free the returned value with mbim_ipv6_element_array_free().

ipv4_gateway :

return location for a MbimIPv4, or NULL if the 'IPv4Gateway' field is not needed. Do not free the returned value, it is owned by message.

ipv6_gateway :

return location for a MbimIPv6, or NULL if the 'IPv6Gateway' field is not needed. Do not free the returned value, it is owned by message.

ipv4_dns_server_count :

return location for a guint32, or NULL if the 'IPv4DnsServerCount' field is not needed.

ipv4_dns_server :

return location for a newly allocated array of MbimIPv4s, or NULL if the 'IPv4DnsServer' field is not needed. Free the returned value with g_free().

ipv6_dns_server_count :

return location for a guint32, or NULL if the 'IPv6DnsServerCount' field is not needed.

ipv6_dns_server :

return location for a newly allocated array of MbimIPv6s, or NULL if the 'IPv6DnsServer' field is not needed. Free the returned value with g_free().

ipv4_mtu :

return location for a guint32, or NULL if the 'IPv4Mtu' field is not needed.

ipv6_mtu :

return location for a guint32, or NULL if the 'IPv6Mtu' field is not needed.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

TRUE if the message was correctly parsed, FALSE if error is set.

mbim_message_device_services_query_new ()

MbimMessage *       mbim_message_device_services_query_new
                                                        (GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'Device Services' query command in the 'Basic Connect' service.

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

a newly allocated MbimMessage, which should be freed with mbim_message_unref().

mbim_message_device_services_response_parse ()

gboolean            mbim_message_device_services_response_parse
                                                        (const MbimMessage *message,
                                                         guint32 *device_services_count,
                                                         guint32 *max_dss_sessions,
                                                         MbimDeviceServiceElement ***device_services,
                                                         GError **error);

Create a new request for the 'DeviceServices' response command in the 'Basic Connect' service.

message :

the MbimMessage.

device_services_count :

return location for a guint32, or NULL if the 'DeviceServicesCount' field is not needed.

max_dss_sessions :

return location for a guint32, or NULL if the 'MaxDssSessions' field is not needed.

device_services :

return location for a newly allocated array of MbimDeviceServiceElements, or NULL if the 'DeviceServices' field is not needed. Free the returned value with mbim_device_service_element_array_free().

error :

return location for error or NULL.

Returns :

TRUE if the message was correctly parsed, FALSE if error is set.