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Ms Basic Connect Extensions serviceMs Basic Connect Extensions service — Support for the Ms Basic Connect Extensions service. |
This section implements support for requests, responses and notifications in the Ms Basic Connect Extensions service.
mbim_pco_value_free (MbimPcoValue *var
Frees the memory allocated for the MbimPcoValue.
Since: 1.18
(MbimLteAttachConfigurationArray *array
Frees the memory allocated for the array of MbimLteAttachConfiguration structs.
Since: 1.18
mbim_slot_array_free (MbimSlotArray *array
Frees the memory allocated for the array of MbimSlot structs.
Since: 1.26
(MbimProvisionedContextElementV2Array *array
Frees the memory allocated for the array of MbimProvisionedContextElementV2 structs.
Since: 1.28
mbim_cell_info_serving_gsm_free (MbimCellInfoServingGsm *var
Frees the memory allocated for the MbimCellInfoServingGsm.
Since: 1.28
mbim_cell_info_serving_umts_free (MbimCellInfoServingUmts *var
Frees the memory allocated for the MbimCellInfoServingUmts.
Since: 1.28
mbim_cell_info_serving_tdscdma_free (MbimCellInfoServingTdscdma *var
Frees the memory allocated for the MbimCellInfoServingTdscdma.
Since: 1.28
mbim_cell_info_serving_lte_free (MbimCellInfoServingLte *var
Frees the memory allocated for the MbimCellInfoServingLte.
Since: 1.28
(MbimCellInfoNeighboringGsmArray *array
Frees the memory allocated for the array of MbimCellInfoNeighboringGsm structs.
Since: 1.28
(MbimCellInfoNeighboringUmtsArray *array
Frees the memory allocated for the array of MbimCellInfoNeighboringUmts structs.
Since: 1.28
(MbimCellInfoNeighboringTdscdmaArray *array
Frees the memory allocated for the array of MbimCellInfoNeighboringTdscdma structs.
Since: 1.28
(MbimCellInfoNeighboringLteArray *array
Frees the memory allocated for the array of MbimCellInfoNeighboringLte structs.
Since: 1.28
mbim_cell_info_cdma_array_free (MbimCellInfoCdmaArray *array
Frees the memory allocated for the array of MbimCellInfoCdma structs.
Since: 1.28
MbimMessage * mbim_message_ms_basic_connect_extensions_pco_query_new (const MbimPcoValue *pco_value
,GError **error
Create a new request for the 'PCO' query command in the 'Ms Basic Connect Extensions' service.
pco_value |
the 'PcoValue' field, given as a MbimPcoValue. |
[in] |
error |
return location for error or |
Since: 1.18
gboolean mbim_message_ms_basic_connect_extensions_pco_response_parse (const MbimMessage *message
,MbimPcoValue **out_pco_value
,GError **error
Parses and returns parameters of the 'PCO' response command in the 'Ms Basic Connect Extensions' service.
message |
the MbimMessage. |
out_pco_value |
return location for a newly allocated MbimPcoValue, or |
[out][optional][transfer full] |
error |
return location for error or |
Since: 1.18
gboolean mbim_message_ms_basic_connect_extensions_pco_notification_parse (const MbimMessage *message
,MbimPcoValue **out_pco_value
,GError **error
Parses and returns parameters of the 'PCO' notification command in the 'Ms Basic Connect Extensions' service.
message |
the MbimMessage. |
out_pco_value |
return location for a newly allocated MbimPcoValue, or |
[out][optional][transfer full] |
error |
return location for error or |
Since: 1.18
MbimMessage *
(GError **error
Create a new request for the 'Lte Attach Configuration' query command in the 'Ms Basic Connect Extensions' service.
Since: 1.18
MbimMessage * mbim_message_ms_basic_connect_extensions_lte_attach_configuration_set_new (MbimLteAttachContextOperation operation
,guint32 configuration_count
,const MbimLteAttachConfiguration *const *configurations
,GError **error
Create a new request for the 'Lte Attach Configuration' set command in the 'Ms Basic Connect Extensions' service.
operation |
the 'Operation' field, given as a MbimLteAttachContextOperation. |
[in] |
configuration_count |
the 'ConfigurationCount' field, given as a guint32. |
[in] |
configurations |
the 'Configurations' field, given as an array of MbimLteAttachConfiguration items. |
[in][array zero-terminated=1][element-type MbimLteAttachConfiguration] |
error |
return location for error or |
Since: 1.18
gboolean mbim_message_ms_basic_connect_extensions_lte_attach_configuration_response_parse (const MbimMessage *message
,guint32 *out_configuration_count
,MbimLteAttachConfigurationArray **out_configurations
,GError **error
Parses and returns parameters of the 'Lte Attach Configuration' response command in the 'Ms Basic Connect Extensions' service.
message |
the MbimMessage. |
out_configuration_count |
return location for a guint32, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
out_configurations |
return location for a newly allocated array of MbimLteAttachConfiguration items, or |
[out][optional][transfer full][array zero-terminated=1][element-type MbimLteAttachConfiguration] |
error |
return location for error or |
Since: 1.18
gboolean mbim_message_ms_basic_connect_extensions_lte_attach_configuration_notification_parse (const MbimMessage *message
,guint32 *out_configuration_count
,MbimLteAttachConfigurationArray **out_configurations
,GError **error
Parses and returns parameters of the 'Lte Attach Configuration' notification command in the 'Ms Basic Connect Extensions' service.
message |
the MbimMessage. |
out_configuration_count |
return location for a guint32, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
out_configurations |
return location for a newly allocated array of MbimLteAttachConfiguration items, or |
[out][optional][transfer full][array zero-terminated=1][element-type MbimLteAttachConfiguration] |
error |
return location for error or |
Since: 1.18
MbimMessage *
(GError **error
Create a new request for the 'Lte Attach Info' query command in the 'Ms Basic Connect Extensions' service.
Since: 1.26
gboolean mbim_message_ms_basic_connect_extensions_lte_attach_info_response_parse (const MbimMessage *message
,MbimLteAttachState *out_lte_attach_state
,MbimContextIpType *out_ip_type
,gchar **out_access_string
,gchar **out_user_name
,gchar **out_password
,MbimCompression *out_compression
,MbimAuthProtocol *out_auth_protocol
,GError **error
Parses and returns parameters of the 'Lte Attach Info' response command in the 'Ms Basic Connect Extensions' service.
message |
the MbimMessage. |
out_lte_attach_state |
return location for a MbimLteAttachState, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
out_ip_type |
return location for a MbimContextIpType, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
out_access_string |
return location for a newly allocated string, or |
[out][optional][transfer full] |
out_user_name |
return location for a newly allocated string, or |
[out][optional][transfer full] |
out_password |
return location for a newly allocated string, or |
[out][optional][transfer full] |
out_compression |
return location for a MbimCompression, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
out_auth_protocol |
return location for a MbimAuthProtocol, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
error |
return location for error or |
Since: 1.26
gboolean mbim_message_ms_basic_connect_extensions_lte_attach_info_notification_parse (const MbimMessage *message
,MbimLteAttachState *out_lte_attach_state
,MbimContextIpType *out_ip_type
,gchar **out_access_string
,gchar **out_user_name
,gchar **out_password
,MbimCompression *out_compression
,MbimAuthProtocol *out_auth_protocol
,GError **error
Parses and returns parameters of the 'Lte Attach Info' notification command in the 'Ms Basic Connect Extensions' service.
message |
the MbimMessage. |
out_lte_attach_state |
return location for a MbimLteAttachState, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
out_ip_type |
return location for a MbimContextIpType, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
out_access_string |
return location for a newly allocated string, or |
[out][optional][transfer full] |
out_user_name |
return location for a newly allocated string, or |
[out][optional][transfer full] |
out_password |
return location for a newly allocated string, or |
[out][optional][transfer full] |
out_compression |
return location for a MbimCompression, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
out_auth_protocol |
return location for a MbimAuthProtocol, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
error |
return location for error or |
Since: 1.26
MbimMessage *
(GError **error
Create a new request for the 'Sys Caps' query command in the 'Ms Basic Connect Extensions' service.
Since: 1.26
gboolean mbim_message_ms_basic_connect_extensions_sys_caps_response_parse (const MbimMessage *message
,guint32 *out_number_of_executors
,guint32 *out_number_of_slots
,guint32 *out_concurrency
,guint64 *out_modem_id
,GError **error
Parses and returns parameters of the 'Sys Caps' response command in the 'Ms Basic Connect Extensions' service.
message |
the MbimMessage. |
out_number_of_executors |
return location for a guint32, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
out_number_of_slots |
return location for a guint32, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
out_concurrency |
return location for a guint32, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
out_modem_id |
return location for a guint64, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
error |
return location for error or |
Since: 1.26
MbimMessage * mbim_message_ms_basic_connect_extensions_slot_info_status_query_new (guint32 slot_index
,GError **error
Create a new request for the 'Slot Info Status' query command in the 'Ms Basic Connect Extensions' service.
Since: 1.26
gboolean mbim_message_ms_basic_connect_extensions_slot_info_status_response_parse (const MbimMessage *message
,guint32 *out_slot_index
,MbimUiccSlotState *out_state
,GError **error
Parses and returns parameters of the 'Slot Info Status' response command in the 'Ms Basic Connect Extensions' service.
message |
the MbimMessage. |
out_slot_index |
return location for a guint32, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
out_state |
return location for a MbimUiccSlotState, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
error |
return location for error or |
Since: 1.26
gboolean mbim_message_ms_basic_connect_extensions_slot_info_status_notification_parse (const MbimMessage *message
,guint32 *out_slot_index
,MbimUiccSlotState *out_state
,GError **error
Parses and returns parameters of the 'Slot Info Status' notification command in the 'Ms Basic Connect Extensions' service.
message |
the MbimMessage. |
out_slot_index |
return location for a guint32, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
out_state |
return location for a MbimUiccSlotState, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
error |
return location for error or |
Since: 1.26
MbimMessage *
(GError **error
Create a new request for the 'Device Slot Mappings' query command in the 'Ms Basic Connect Extensions' service.
Since: 1.26
MbimMessage * mbim_message_ms_basic_connect_extensions_device_slot_mappings_set_new (guint32 map_count
,const MbimSlot *const *slot_map
,GError **error
Create a new request for the 'Device Slot Mappings' set command in the 'Ms Basic Connect Extensions' service.
Since: 1.26
gboolean mbim_message_ms_basic_connect_extensions_device_slot_mappings_response_parse (const MbimMessage *message
,guint32 *out_map_count
,MbimSlotArray **out_slot_map
,GError **error
Parses and returns parameters of the 'Device Slot Mappings' response command in the 'Ms Basic Connect Extensions' service.
message |
the MbimMessage. |
out_map_count |
return location for a guint32, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
out_slot_map |
return location for a newly allocated array of MbimSlot items, or |
[out][optional][transfer full][array zero-terminated=1][element-type MbimSlot] |
error |
return location for error or |
Since: 1.26
MbimMessage *
(GError **error
Create a new request for the 'Device Caps' query command in the 'Ms Basic Connect Extensions' service.
Since: 1.26
gboolean mbim_message_ms_basic_connect_extensions_device_caps_response_parse (const MbimMessage *message
,MbimDeviceType *out_device_type
,MbimCellularClass *out_cellular_class
,MbimVoiceClass *out_voice_class
,MbimSimClass *out_sms_class
,MbimDataClass *out_data_class
,MbimSmsCaps *out_sms_caps
,MbimCtrlCaps *out_control_caps
,guint32 *out_max_sessions
,gchar **out_custom_data_class
,gchar **out_device_id
,gchar **out_firmware_info
,gchar **out_hardware_info
,guint32 *out_executor_index
,GError **error
Parses and returns parameters of the 'Device Caps' response command in the 'Ms Basic Connect Extensions' service.
message |
the MbimMessage. |
out_device_type |
return location for a MbimDeviceType, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
out_cellular_class |
return location for a MbimCellularClass, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
out_voice_class |
return location for a MbimVoiceClass, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
out_sms_class |
return location for a MbimSimClass, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
out_data_class |
return location for a MbimDataClass, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
out_sms_caps |
return location for a MbimSmsCaps, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
out_control_caps |
return location for a MbimCtrlCaps, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
out_max_sessions |
return location for a guint32, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
out_custom_data_class |
return location for a newly allocated string, or |
[out][optional][transfer full] |
out_device_id |
return location for a newly allocated string, or |
[out][optional][transfer full] |
out_firmware_info |
return location for a newly allocated string, or |
[out][optional][transfer full] |
out_hardware_info |
return location for a newly allocated string, or |
[out][optional][transfer full] |
out_executor_index |
return location for a guint32, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
error |
return location for error or |
Since: 1.26
MbimMessage *
(GError **error
Create a new request for the 'Location Info Status' query command in the 'Ms Basic Connect Extensions' service.
Since: 1.28
gboolean mbim_message_ms_basic_connect_extensions_location_info_status_response_parse (const MbimMessage *message
,guint32 *out_location_area_code
,guint32 *out_tracking_area_code
,guint32 *out_cell_id
,GError **error
Parses and returns parameters of the 'Location Info Status' response command in the 'Ms Basic Connect Extensions' service.
message |
the MbimMessage. |
out_location_area_code |
return location for a guint32, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
out_tracking_area_code |
return location for a guint32, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
out_cell_id |
return location for a guint32, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
error |
return location for error or |
Since: 1.28
gboolean mbim_message_ms_basic_connect_extensions_location_info_status_notification_parse (const MbimMessage *message
,guint32 *out_location_area_code
,guint32 *out_tracking_area_code
,guint32 *out_cell_id
,GError **error
Parses and returns parameters of the 'Location Info Status' notification command in the 'Ms Basic Connect Extensions' service.
message |
the MbimMessage. |
out_location_area_code |
return location for a guint32, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
out_tracking_area_code |
return location for a guint32, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
out_cell_id |
return location for a guint32, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
error |
return location for error or |
Since: 1.28
MbimMessage *
(GError **error
Create a new request for the 'Provisioned Contexts' query command in the 'Ms Basic Connect Extensions' service.
Since: 1.28
MbimMessage * mbim_message_ms_basic_connect_extensions_provisioned_contexts_set_new (MbimContextOperation operation
,const MbimUuid *context_type
,MbimContextIpType ip_type
,MbimContextState state
,MbimContextRoamingControl roaming
,MbimContextMediaType media_type
,MbimContextSource source
,const gchar *access_string
,const gchar *user_name
,const gchar *password
,MbimCompression compression
,MbimAuthProtocol auth_protocol
,GError **error
Create a new request for the 'Provisioned Contexts' set command in the 'Ms Basic Connect Extensions' service.
operation |
the 'Operation' field, given as a MbimContextOperation. |
[in] |
context_type |
the 'ContextType' field, given as a MbimUuid. |
[in] |
ip_type |
the 'IpType' field, given as a MbimContextIpType. |
[in] |
state |
the 'State' field, given as a MbimContextState. |
[in] |
roaming |
the 'Roaming' field, given as a MbimContextRoamingControl. |
[in] |
media_type |
the 'MediaType' field, given as a MbimContextMediaType. |
[in] |
source |
the 'Source' field, given as a MbimContextSource. |
[in] |
access_string |
the 'AccessString' field, given as a string. |
[in] |
user_name |
the 'UserName' field, given as a string. |
[in] |
password |
the 'Password' field, given as a string. |
[in] |
compression |
the 'Compression' field, given as a MbimCompression. |
[in] |
auth_protocol |
the 'AuthProtocol' field, given as a MbimAuthProtocol. |
[in] |
error |
return location for error or |
Since: 1.28
gboolean mbim_message_ms_basic_connect_extensions_provisioned_contexts_response_parse (const MbimMessage *message
,guint32 *out_provisioned_contexts_count
,MbimProvisionedContextElementV2Array **out_provisioned_contexts
,GError **error
Parses and returns parameters of the 'Provisioned Contexts' response command in the 'Ms Basic Connect Extensions' service.
message |
the MbimMessage. |
out_provisioned_contexts_count |
return location for a guint32, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
out_provisioned_contexts |
return location for a newly allocated array of MbimProvisionedContextElementV2 items, or |
[out][optional][transfer full][array zero-terminated=1][element-type MbimProvisionedContextElementV2] |
error |
return location for error or |
Since: 1.28
gboolean mbim_message_ms_basic_connect_extensions_provisioned_contexts_notification_parse (const MbimMessage *message
,guint32 *out_provisioned_contexts_count
,MbimProvisionedContextElementV2Array **out_provisioned_contexts
,GError **error
Parses and returns parameters of the 'Provisioned Contexts' notification command in the 'Ms Basic Connect Extensions' service.
message |
the MbimMessage. |
out_provisioned_contexts_count |
return location for a guint32, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
out_provisioned_contexts |
return location for a newly allocated array of MbimProvisionedContextElementV2 items, or |
[out][optional][transfer full][array zero-terminated=1][element-type MbimProvisionedContextElementV2] |
error |
return location for error or |
Since: 1.28
MbimMessage * mbim_message_ms_basic_connect_extensions_base_stations_info_query_new (guint32 max_gsm_count
,guint32 max_umts_count
,guint32 max_tdscdma_count
,guint32 max_lte_count
,guint32 max_cdma_count
,GError **error
Create a new request for the 'Base Stations Info' query command in the 'Ms Basic Connect Extensions' service.
max_gsm_count |
the 'MaxGsmCount' field, given as a guint32. |
[in] |
max_umts_count |
the 'MaxUmtsCount' field, given as a guint32. |
[in] |
max_tdscdma_count |
the 'MaxTdscdmaCount' field, given as a guint32. |
[in] |
max_lte_count |
the 'MaxLteCount' field, given as a guint32. |
[in] |
max_cdma_count |
the 'MaxCdmaCount' field, given as a guint32. |
[in] |
error |
return location for error or |
Since: 1.28
gboolean mbim_message_ms_basic_connect_extensions_base_stations_info_response_parse (const MbimMessage *message
,MbimDataClass *out_system_type
,MbimCellInfoServingGsm **out_gsm_serving_cell
,MbimCellInfoServingUmts **out_umts_serving_cell
,MbimCellInfoServingTdscdma **out_tdscdma_serving_cell
,MbimCellInfoServingLte **out_lte_serving_cell
,guint32 *out_gsm_neighboring_cells_count
,MbimCellInfoNeighboringGsmArray **out_gsm_neighboring_cells
,guint32 *out_umts_neighboring_cells_count
,MbimCellInfoNeighboringUmtsArray **out_umts_neighboring_cells
,guint32 *out_tdscdma_neighboring_cells_count
,MbimCellInfoNeighboringTdscdmaArray **out_tdscdma_neighboring_cells
,guint32 *out_lte_neighboring_cells_count
,MbimCellInfoNeighboringLteArray **out_lte_neighboring_cells
,guint32 *out_cdma_cells_count
,MbimCellInfoCdmaArray **out_cdma_cells
,GError **error
Parses and returns parameters of the 'Base Stations Info' response command in the 'Ms Basic Connect Extensions' service.
message |
the MbimMessage. |
out_system_type |
return location for a MbimDataClass, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
out_gsm_serving_cell |
return location for a newly allocated MbimCellInfoServingGsm, or |
[out][optional][nullable][transfer full] |
out_umts_serving_cell |
return location for a newly allocated MbimCellInfoServingUmts, or |
[out][optional][nullable][transfer full] |
out_tdscdma_serving_cell |
return location for a newly allocated MbimCellInfoServingTdscdma, or |
[out][optional][nullable][transfer full] |
out_lte_serving_cell |
return location for a newly allocated MbimCellInfoServingLte, or |
[out][optional][nullable][transfer full] |
out_gsm_neighboring_cells_count |
return location for a guint32, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
out_gsm_neighboring_cells |
return location for a newly allocated array of MbimCellInfoNeighboringGsm items, or |
[out][optional][nullable][transfer full][array zero-terminated=1][element-type MbimCellInfoNeighboringGsm] |
out_umts_neighboring_cells_count |
return location for a guint32, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
out_umts_neighboring_cells |
return location for a newly allocated array of MbimCellInfoNeighboringUmts items, or |
[out][optional][nullable][transfer full][array zero-terminated=1][element-type MbimCellInfoNeighboringUmts] |
out_tdscdma_neighboring_cells_count |
return location for a guint32, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
out_tdscdma_neighboring_cells |
return location for a newly allocated array of MbimCellInfoNeighboringTdscdma items, or |
[out][optional][nullable][transfer full][array zero-terminated=1][element-type MbimCellInfoNeighboringTdscdma] |
out_lte_neighboring_cells_count |
return location for a guint32, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
out_lte_neighboring_cells |
return location for a newly allocated array of MbimCellInfoNeighboringLte items, or |
[out][optional][nullable][transfer full][array zero-terminated=1][element-type MbimCellInfoNeighboringLte] |
out_cdma_cells_count |
return location for a guint32, or |
[out][optional][transfer none] |
out_cdma_cells |
return location for a newly allocated array of MbimCellInfoCdma items, or |
[out][optional][nullable][transfer full][array zero-terminated=1][element-type MbimCellInfoCdma] |
error |
return location for error or |
Since: 1.28
typedef struct { guint32 session_id; guint32 pco_data_size; guint32 pco_data_type; guint8 *pco_data_buffer; } MbimPcoValue;
A MbimPcoValue element.
Since: 1.18
typedef struct { guint32 ip_type; guint32 roaming; guint32 source; gchar *access_string; gchar *user_name; gchar *password; guint32 compression; guint32 auth_protocol; } MbimLteAttachConfiguration;
A MbimLteAttachConfiguration element.
guint32 |
a MbimContextIpType given as a guint32. |
guint32 |
a MbimLteAttachContextRoamingControl given as a guint32. |
guint32 |
a MbimContextSource given as a guint32. |
gchar * |
a string. |
gchar * |
a string. |
gchar * |
a string. |
guint32 |
a MbimCompression given as a guint32. |
guint32 |
a MbimAuthProtocol given as a guint32. |
Since: 1.18
typedef MbimLteAttachConfiguration *MbimLteAttachConfigurationArray;
A NULL-terminated array of MbimLteAttachConfiguration elements.
Since: 1.24
typedef MbimSlot *MbimSlotArray;
A NULL-terminated array of MbimSlot elements.
Since: 1.26
typedef struct { guint32 context_id; MbimUuid context_type; guint32 ip_type; guint32 state; guint32 roaming; guint32 media_type; guint32 source; gchar *access_string; gchar *user_name; gchar *password; guint32 compression; guint32 auth_protocol; } MbimProvisionedContextElementV2;
A MbimProvisionedContextElementV2 element.
guint32 |
a guint32. |
MbimUuid |
a MbimUuid. |
guint32 |
a MbimContextIpType given as a guint32. |
guint32 |
a MbimContextState given as a guint32. |
guint32 |
a MbimContextRoamingControl given as a guint32. |
guint32 |
a MbimContextMediaType given as a guint32. |
guint32 |
a MbimContextSource given as a guint32. |
gchar * |
a string. |
gchar * |
a string. |
gchar * |
a string. |
guint32 |
a MbimCompression given as a guint32. |
guint32 |
a MbimAuthProtocol given as a guint32. |
Since: 1.28
typedef MbimProvisionedContextElementV2 *MbimProvisionedContextElementV2Array;
A NULL-terminated array of MbimProvisionedContextElementV2 elements.
Since: 1.28
typedef struct { gchar *provider_id; guint32 location_area_code; guint32 cell_id; guint32 timing_advance; guint32 arfcn; guint32 base_station_id; guint32 rx_level; } MbimCellInfoServingGsm;
A MbimCellInfoServingGsm element.
Since: 1.28
typedef struct { gchar *provider_id; guint32 location_area_code; guint32 cell_id; guint32 frequency_info_ul; guint32 frequency_info_dl; guint32 frequency_info_nt; guint32 uarfcn; guint32 primary_scrambling_code; gint32 rscp; gint32 ecno; guint32 path_loss; } MbimCellInfoServingUmts;
A MbimCellInfoServingUmts element.
gchar * |
a string. |
guint32 |
a guint32. |
guint32 |
a guint32. |
guint32 |
a guint32. |
guint32 |
a guint32. |
guint32 |
a guint32. |
guint32 |
a guint32. |
guint32 |
a guint32. |
gint32 |
a gint32. |
gint32 |
a gint32. |
guint32 |
a guint32. |
Since: 1.28
typedef struct { gchar *provider_id; guint32 location_area_code; guint32 cell_id; guint32 uarfcn; guint32 cell_parameter_id; guint32 timing_advance; gint32 rscp; guint32 path_loss; } MbimCellInfoServingTdscdma;
A MbimCellInfoServingTdscdma element.
Since: 1.28
typedef struct { gchar *provider_id; guint32 cell_id; guint32 earfcn; guint32 physical_cell_id; guint32 tac; gint32 rsrp; gint32 rsrq; guint32 timing_advance; } MbimCellInfoServingLte;
A MbimCellInfoServingLte element.
Since: 1.28
typedef struct { gchar *provider_id; guint32 location_area_code; guint32 cell_id; guint32 arfcn; guint32 base_station_id; guint32 rx_level; } MbimCellInfoNeighboringGsm;
A MbimCellInfoNeighboringGsm element.
Since: 1.28
typedef MbimCellInfoNeighboringGsm *MbimCellInfoNeighboringGsmArray;
A NULL-terminated array of MbimCellInfoNeighboringGsm elements.
Since: 1.28
typedef struct { gchar *provider_id; guint32 location_area_code; guint32 cell_id; guint32 uarfcn; guint32 primary_scrambling_code; gint32 rscp; gint32 ecno; guint32 path_loss; } MbimCellInfoNeighboringUmts;
A MbimCellInfoNeighboringUmts element.
Since: 1.28
typedef MbimCellInfoNeighboringUmts *MbimCellInfoNeighboringUmtsArray;
A NULL-terminated array of MbimCellInfoNeighboringUmts elements.
Since: 1.28
typedef struct { gchar *provider_id; guint32 location_area_code; guint32 cell_id; guint32 uarfcn; guint32 cell_parameter_id; guint32 timing_advance; gint32 rscp; guint32 path_loss; } MbimCellInfoNeighboringTdscdma;
A MbimCellInfoNeighboringTdscdma element.
Since: 1.28
typedef MbimCellInfoNeighboringTdscdma *MbimCellInfoNeighboringTdscdmaArray;
A NULL-terminated array of MbimCellInfoNeighboringTdscdma elements.
Since: 1.28
typedef struct { gchar *provider_id; guint32 cell_id; guint32 earfcn; guint32 physical_cell_id; guint32 tac; gint32 rsrp; gint32 rsrq; } MbimCellInfoNeighboringLte;
A MbimCellInfoNeighboringLte element.
Since: 1.28
typedef MbimCellInfoNeighboringLte *MbimCellInfoNeighboringLteArray;
A NULL-terminated array of MbimCellInfoNeighboringLte elements.
Since: 1.28
typedef struct { guint32 serving_cell_flag; guint32 nid; guint32 sid; guint32 base_station_id; guint32 base_latitude; guint32 base_longitude; guint32 ref_pn; guint32 gps_seconds; guint32 pilot_strength; } MbimCellInfoCdma;
A MbimCellInfoCdma element.
Since: 1.28
typedef MbimCellInfoCdma *MbimCellInfoCdmaArray;
A NULL-terminated array of MbimCellInfoCdma elements.
Since: 1.28