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GEnum ├── QmiNasActiveBand ├── QmiNasAttachState ├── QmiNasCallBarringStatus ├── QmiNasCdmaPilotType ├── QmiNasCdmaPrlPreference ├── QmiNasCellBroadcastCapability ├── QmiNasChangeDuration ├── QmiNasDLBandwidth ├── QmiNasDataCapability ├── QmiNasDayOfWeek ├── QmiNasDaylightSavingsAdjustment ├── QmiNasEvdoSinrLevel ├── QmiNasGsmWcdmaAcquisitionOrderPreference ├── QmiNasHdrPersonality ├── QmiNasHdrProtocolRevision ├── QmiNasLteCellAccessStatus ├── QmiNasLteRegistrationDomain ├── QmiNasNetworkDescriptionDisplay ├── QmiNasNetworkDescriptionEncoding ├── QmiNasNetworkNameSource ├── QmiNasNetworkRegisterType ├── QmiNasNetworkScanResult ├── QmiNasNetworkSelectionPreference ├── QmiNasNetworkSelectionRegistrationRestriction ├── QmiNasNetworkServiceDomain ├── QmiNasNetworkType ├── QmiNasPlmnEncodingScheme ├── QmiNasPlmnNameCountryInitials ├── QmiNasPlmnNameSpareBits ├── QmiNasPreferenceDuration ├── QmiNasPsAttachAction ├── QmiNasRadioInterface ├── QmiNasRegistrationState ├── QmiNasRoamingIndicatorStatus ├── QmiNasRoamingPreference ├── QmiNasRoamingStatus ├── QmiNasScellState ├── QmiNasServiceDomainPreference ├── QmiNasServiceStatus ├── QmiNasSimRejectState ├── QmiNasSwiEmmConnectionState ├── QmiNasSwiEmmState ├── QmiNasSwiImsRegState ├── QmiNasSwiModemMode ├── QmiNasSwiPsState ├── QmiNasSwiSystemMode ├── QmiNasUsagePreference ├── QmiNasVoiceDomainPreference ├── QmiNasWcdmaHsService ╰── QmiNasWcdmaRrcState GFlags ├── QmiNasNetworkNameDisplayCondition ├── QmiNasNetworkScanType ├── QmiNasNetworkStatus ├── QmiNasRadioTechnologyPreference ├── QmiNasRatModePreference ├── QmiNasSignalStrengthRequest ╰── QmiNasTdScdmaBandPreference
const gchar *
qmi_nas_radio_interface_get_string (QmiNasRadioInterface val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasRadioInterface specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.0
const gchar *
qmi_nas_active_band_get_string (QmiNasActiveBand val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasActiveBand specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.0
const gchar *
(QmiNasNetworkServiceDomain val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasNetworkServiceDomain specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.0
const gchar *
qmi_nas_evdo_sinr_level_get_string (QmiNasEvdoSinrLevel val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasEvdoSinrLevel specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.0
gchar *
(QmiNasSignalStrengthRequest mask
Builds a string containing a comma-separated list of nicknames for
each QmiNasSignalStrengthRequest in mask
a string with the list of nicknames, or NULL
if none given. The returned value should be freed with g_free()
[transfer full]
Since: 1.0
gchar *
(QmiNasNetworkScanType mask
Builds a string containing a comma-separated list of nicknames for
each QmiNasNetworkScanType in mask
a string with the list of nicknames, or NULL
if none given. The returned value should be freed with g_free()
[transfer full]
Since: 1.0
gchar *
(QmiNasNetworkStatus mask
Builds a string containing a comma-separated list of nicknames for
each QmiNasNetworkStatus in mask
a string with the list of nicknames, or NULL
if none given. The returned value should be freed with g_free()
[transfer full]
Since: 1.0
const gchar *
(QmiNasNetworkRegisterType val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasNetworkRegisterType specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.0
const gchar *
qmi_nas_registration_state_get_string (QmiNasRegistrationState val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasRegistrationState specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.0
const gchar *
qmi_nas_attach_state_get_string (QmiNasAttachState val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasAttachState specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.0
const gchar *
qmi_nas_network_type_get_string (QmiNasNetworkType val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasNetworkType specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.0
const gchar *
(QmiNasRoamingIndicatorStatus val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasRoamingIndicatorStatus specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.0
const gchar *
qmi_nas_data_capability_get_string (QmiNasDataCapability val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasDataCapability specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.0
const gchar *
qmi_nas_service_status_get_string (QmiNasServiceStatus val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasServiceStatus specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.0
const gchar *
qmi_nas_hdr_personality_get_string (QmiNasHdrPersonality val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasHdrPersonality specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.0
const gchar *
(QmiNasCallBarringStatus val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasCallBarringStatus specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.0
const gchar *
(QmiNasNetworkDescriptionDisplay val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasNetworkDescriptionDisplay specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.0
const gchar *
(QmiNasNetworkDescriptionEncoding val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasNetworkDescriptionEncoding specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.0
gchar * qmi_nas_read_string_from_network_description_encoded_array (QmiNasNetworkDescriptionEncoding encoding
,const GArray *array
Converts the encoded data in array
to UTF-8 and returns a newly allocated
NUL-terminated string.
the UTF-8 encoded string, or NULL
if an error happened during the conversion.
The returned value should be freed with g_free()
Since: 1.24.6
gchar *
(QmiNasRadioTechnologyPreference mask
Builds a string containing a comma-separated list of nicknames for
each QmiNasRadioTechnologyPreference in mask
a string with the list of nicknames, or NULL
if none given. The returned value should be freed with g_free()
[transfer full]
Since: 1.0
const gchar *
(QmiNasPreferenceDuration val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasPreferenceDuration specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.0
const gchar *
qmi_nas_ps_attach_action_get_string (QmiNasPsAttachAction val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasPsAttachAction specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.20
gchar *
(QmiNasRatModePreference mask
Builds a string containing a comma-separated list of nicknames for
each QmiNasRatModePreference in mask
a string with the list of nicknames, or NULL
if none given. The returned value should be freed with g_free()
[transfer full]
Since: 1.0
const gchar *
(QmiNasCdmaPrlPreference val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasCdmaPrlPreference specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.0
const gchar *
qmi_nas_roaming_preference_get_string (QmiNasRoamingPreference val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasRoamingPreference specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.0
const gchar *
(QmiNasNetworkSelectionPreference val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasNetworkSelectionPreference specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.0
const gchar *
qmi_nas_change_duration_get_string (QmiNasChangeDuration val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasChangeDuration specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.0
const gchar *
(QmiNasServiceDomainPreference val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasServiceDomainPreference specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.0
const gchar *
(QmiNasGsmWcdmaAcquisitionOrderPreference val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasGsmWcdmaAcquisitionOrderPreference specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.0
gchar *
(QmiNasBandPreference mask
Builds a string containing a comma-separated list of nicknames for
each QmiNasBandPreference in mask
a string with the list of nicknames, or NULL
if none given. The returned value should be freed with g_free()
[transfer full]
Since: 1.0
gchar *
(QmiNasLteBandPreference mask
Builds a string containing a comma-separated list of nicknames for
each QmiNasLteBandPreference in mask
a string with the list of nicknames, or NULL
if none given. The returned value should be freed with g_free()
[transfer full]
Since: 1.0
gchar *
(QmiNasTdScdmaBandPreference mask
Builds a string containing a comma-separated list of nicknames for
each QmiNasTdScdmaBandPreference in mask
a string with the list of nicknames, or NULL
if none given. The returned value should be freed with g_free()
[transfer full]
Since: 1.0
const gchar *
qmi_nas_roaming_status_get_string (QmiNasRoamingStatus val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasRoamingStatus specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.0
const gchar *
(QmiNasHdrProtocolRevision val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasHdrProtocolRevision specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.0
const gchar *
qmi_nas_wcdma_hs_service_get_string (QmiNasWcdmaHsService val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasWcdmaHsService specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.0
const gchar *
(QmiNasCellBroadcastCapability val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasCellBroadcastCapability specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.0
const gchar *
qmi_nas_sim_reject_state_get_string (QmiNasSimRejectState val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasSimRejectState specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.0
const gchar *
qmi_nas_cdma_pilot_type_get_string (QmiNasCdmaPilotType val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasCdmaPilotType specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.0
const gchar *
qmi_nas_day_of_week_get_string (QmiNasDayOfWeek val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasDayOfWeek specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.4
const gchar *
(QmiNasDaylightSavingsAdjustment val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasDaylightSavingsAdjustment specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.4
const gchar *
qmi_nas_wcdma_rrc_state_get_string (QmiNasWcdmaRrcState val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasWcdmaRrcState specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.10
const gchar *
qmi_nas_dl_bandwidth_get_string (QmiNasDLBandwidth val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasDLBandwidth specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.16
const gchar *
qmi_nas_scell_state_get_string (QmiNasScellState val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasScellState specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.16
gchar *
(QmiNasNetworkNameDisplayCondition mask
Builds a string containing a comma-separated list of nicknames for
each QmiNasNetworkNameDisplayCondition in mask
a string with the list of nicknames, or NULL
if none given. The returned value should be freed with g_free()
[transfer full]
Since: 1.18
const gchar *
(QmiNasNetworkNameSource val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasNetworkNameSource specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.24
const gchar *
(QmiNasPlmnEncodingScheme val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasPlmnEncodingScheme specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.18
gchar * qmi_nas_read_string_from_plmn_encoded_array (QmiNasPlmnEncodingScheme encoding
,const GArray *array
Converts the encoded data in array
to UTF-8 and returns a newly allocated
NUL-terminated string.
the UTF-8 encoded string, or NULL
if an error happened during the conversion.
The returned value should be freed with g_free()
Since: 1.24.6
const gchar *
(QmiNasPlmnNameCountryInitials val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasPlmnNameCountryInitials specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.18
const gchar *
(QmiNasPlmnNameSpareBits val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasPlmnNameSpareBits specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.18
const gchar *
qmi_nas_usage_preference_get_string (QmiNasUsagePreference val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasUsagePreference specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.24
const gchar *
(QmiNasLteCellAccessStatus val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasLteCellAccessStatus specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.24
const gchar *
(QmiNasNetworkSelectionRegistrationRestriction val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasNetworkSelectionRegistrationRestriction specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.24
const gchar *
(QmiNasLteRegistrationDomain val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasLteRegistrationDomain specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.24
const gchar *
(QmiNasVoiceDomainPreference val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasVoiceDomainPreference specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.24
const gchar *
(QmiNasNetworkScanResult val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasNetworkScanResult specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.24
const gchar *
(QmiNasSwiEmmConnectionState val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasSwiEmmConnectionState specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.24
const gchar *
qmi_nas_swi_emm_state_get_string (QmiNasSwiEmmState val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasSwiEmmState specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.24
const gchar *
qmi_nas_swi_ims_reg_state_get_string (QmiNasSwiImsRegState val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasSwiImsRegState specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.24
const gchar *
qmi_nas_swi_modem_mode_get_string (QmiNasSwiModemMode val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasSwiModemMode specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.24
const gchar *
qmi_nas_swi_ps_state_get_string (QmiNasSwiPsState val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasSwiPsState specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.24
const gchar *
qmi_nas_swi_system_mode_get_string (QmiNasSwiSystemMode val
Gets the nickname string for the QmiNasSwiSystemMode specified at val
a string with the nickname, or NULL
if not found. Do not free the returned value.
[transfer none]
Since: 1.24
Radio interface technology.
Not known or not needed. |
None, no service. |
CDMA2000 1X. |
CDMA2000 HRPD (1xEV-DO). |
GSM. |
LTE. |
5G NR. Since 1.26. |
Since: 1.0
Band classes.
Band class 0. |
Band class 1. |
Band class 2. |
Band class 3. |
Band class 4. |
Band class 5. |
Band class 6. |
Band class 7. |
Band class 8. |
Band class 9. |
Band class 10. |
Band class 11. |
Band class 12. |
Band class 13. |
Band class 14. |
Band class 15. |
Band class 16. |
Band class 17. |
Band class 18. |
Band class 19. |
GSM 450. |
GSM 480. |
GSM 750. |
GSM 850. |
GSM 900 (Extended). |
GSM 900 (Primary). |
GSM 900 (Railways). |
GSM 1800. |
GSM 1900. |
WCDMA 2100. |
WCDMA PCS 1900. |
WCDMA DCS 1800. |
WCDMA 1700 (U.S.). |
WCDMA 850. |
WCDMA 800. |
WCDMA 2600. |
WCDMA 900. |
WCDMA 1700 (Japan). |
WCDMA 1500 (Japan). |
WCDMA 850 (Japan). |
EUTRAN band 1. |
EUTRAN band 2. |
EUTRAN band 3. |
EUTRAN band 4. |
EUTRAN band 5. |
EUTRAN band 6. |
EUTRAN band 7. |
EUTRAN band 8. |
EUTRAN band 9. |
EUTRAN band 10. |
EUTRAN band 11. |
EUTRAN band 12. |
EUTRAN band 13. |
EUTRAN band 14. |
EUTRAN band 17. |
EUTRAN band 18. |
EUTRAN band 19. |
EUTRAN band 20. |
EUTRAN band 21. |
EUTRAN band 23. |
EUTRAN band 24. |
EUTRAN band 25. |
EUTRAN band 26. |
EUTRAN band 27. |
EUTRAN band 28. |
EUTRAN band 29. |
EUTRAN band 30. |
EUTRAN band 31. |
EUTRAN band 32. |
EUTRAN band 33. |
EUTRAN band 34. |
EUTRAN band 35. |
EUTRAN band 36. |
EUTRAN band 37. |
EUTRAN band 38. |
EUTRAN band 39. |
EUTRAN band 40. |
EUTRAN band 41. |
EUTRAN band 42. |
EUTRAN band 43. |
EUTRAN band 46. |
EUTRAN band 47. |
EUTRAN band 48. |
EUTRAN band 66. |
EUTRAN band 71. |
EUTRAN band 125. |
EUTRAN band 126. |
EUTRAN band 127. |
EUTRAN band 250. |
TD-SCDMA Band A. |
TD-SCDMA Band B. |
TD-SCDMA Band C. |
TD-SCDMA Band D. |
TD-SCDMA Band E. |
TD-SCDMA Band F. |
Since: 1.0
Extra information to request when gathering Signal Strength.
None. |
Request RSSI information. |
Request ECIO information. |
Request IO information. |
Request SINR information. |
Request error rate information. |
Request RSRQ information. |
Request LTE SNR information. |
Request LTE RSRP information. |
Since: 1.0
Flags to specify the status of a given network.
Network is in use, current serving. |
Network is vailable. |
Network is home network. |
Network is a roaming network. |
Network is forbidden. |
Network is not forbidden. |
Network is preferred. |
Network is not preferred. |
Since: 1.0
Data capability of the network.
None or unknown. |
EV-DO revision 0. |
EV-DO revision A. |
GSM. |
EV-DO revision B. |
LTE. |
Since: 1.0
Setup to define whether the network description should be displayed.
Since: 1.0
Type of encoding used in the network description.
Since: 1.0
Flags to specify the radio technology preference.
Automatic selection. |
3GPP2 technology. |
3GPP technology. |
AMPS if 3GPP2, GSM if 3GPP. |
CDMA if 3GPP2, WCDMA if 3GPP. |
LTE. |
Since: 1.0
Duration of the preference setting.
Permanent. |
Until the next power cycle. |
Until end of call. |
Until end of call or a specified time. |
Internal reason 1, one call. |
Internal reason 2, one call. |
Internal reason 3, one call. |
Since: 1.0
Flags specifying radio access technology mode preference.
Since: 1.0
Flags specifying the preference when using CDMA Band Class 0.
Since: 1.0
Service domain preference.
Circuit-switched only. |
Packet-switched only. |
Circuit-switched and packet-switched. |
Packet-switched attach. |
Packet-switched dettach. |
Since: 1.0
GSM/WCDMA acquisition order preference.
Since: 1.0
Flags to specify frequency band preferences.
Band class 0, A system. |
Band class 0, B system. |
Band class 1. |
Band class 2. |
Band class 3, A system. |
Band class 4, all blocks. |
Band class 5, all blocks. |
GSM DCS 1800 band. |
Extended GSM 900 band. |
Primary GSM 900 band. |
Band class 6. |
Band class 7. |
Band class 8. |
Band class 9. |
Band class 10. |
Band class 11. |
GSM 450. |
GSM 480. |
GSM 750. |
GSM 850. |
GSM 900 (Railways). |
GSM 1900. |
WCDMA 2100. |
WCDMA PCS 1900. |
WCDMA DCS 1800. |
WCDMA 1700 (U.S.). |
WCDMA 850. |
WCDMA 800. |
Band class 12. |
Band class 14. |
Band class 15. |
WCDMA 2600. |
WCDMA 900. |
WCDMA 1700 (Japan). |
Band class 16. |
Band class 17. |
Band class 18. |
Band class 19. |
WCDMA 850 (Japan). Since: 1.22. |
WCDMA 1500. Since: 1.22. |
Since: 1.0
Flags to specify LTE-specific frequency band preferences.
LTE EUTRAN Band 2. |
LTE EUTRAN Band 3. |
LTE EUTRAN Band 4. |
LTE EUTRAN Band 5. |
LTE EUTRAN Band 6. |
LTE EUTRAN Band 7. |
LTE EUTRAN Band 8. |
LTE EUTRAN Band 9. |
LTE EUTRAN Band 10. |
LTE EUTRAN Band 11. |
LTE EUTRAN Band 12. |
LTE EUTRAN Band 13. |
LTE EUTRAN Band 14. |
LTE EUTRAN Band 17. |
LTE EUTRAN Band 18. |
LTE EUTRAN Band 19. |
LTE EUTRAN Band 20. |
LTE EUTRAN Band 21. |
LTE EUTRAN Band 24. |
LTE EUTRAN Band 25. |
LTE EUTRAN Band 26. |
LTE EUTRAN Band 27. |
LTE EUTRAN Band 28. |
LTE EUTRAN Band 29. |
LTE EUTRAN Band 30. |
LTE EUTRAN Band 31. |
LTE EUTRAN Band 32. |
LTE EUTRAN Band 33. |
LTE EUTRAN Band 34. |
LTE EUTRAN Band 35. |
LTE EUTRAN Band 36. |
LTE EUTRAN Band 37. |
LTE EUTRAN Band 38. |
LTE EUTRAN Band 39. |
LTE EUTRAN Band 40. |
LTE EUTRAN Band 41. |
LTE EUTRAN Band 42. |
LTE EUTRAN Band 43. |
Since: 1.0
Flags to specify TD-SCDMA-specific frequency band preferences.
Since: 1.0
Roaming status.
Off. |
On. |
Blinking. |
Out of neighborhood. |
Out of building. |
Preferred system. |
Available system. |
Alliance partner. |
Premium partner. |
Full service. |
Partial service. |
Banner on. |
Banner off. |
Since: 1.0
Call status on high speed.
HSDPA and HSUPA not supported. |
HSDPA supported. |
HSUPA supported. |
HSDPA and HSUPA supported. |
HSDPA+ supported. |
HSDPA+ and HSUPA supported. |
DC-HSDPA+ supported. |
DC-HSDPA+ and HSUPA supported. |
Since: 1.0
Reject information of the SIM.
SIM not available. |
SIM available. |
SIM invalid for circuit-switched connections. |
SIM invalid for packet-switched connections. |
SIM invalid for circuit-switched and packet-switched connections. |
Since: 1.0
The number of hours a time is adjusted for daylight savings.
Since: 1.4
Flags used to control display of the PLMN name and Service Provider Name. See 3GPP TS 51.011 descripton of the EFspn SIM file for more details.
Since: 1.18
Network name source.
Since: 1.24
PLMN name encoding schemes. See 3GPP TS 24.008 section "Network Name information element".
Since: 1.18
PLMN name country initials options. See 3GPP TS 24.008 section "Network Name information element".
Since: 1.18
PLMN name spare bits in last octet of a network name. See 3GPP TS 24.008 section "Network Name information element".
unknown |
bit 8 is spare |
bits 7 - 8 are spare |
bits 6 - 8 are spare |
bits 5 - 8 are spare |
bits 4 - 8 are spare |
bits 3 - 8 are spare |
bits 2 - 8 are spare |
Since: 1.18
Cell access status for LTE calls.
Access is allowed for normal calls only. |
Access is allowed for emergency calls only. |
Access is not allowed for any call type. |
Access is allowed for all call types. |
Unknown. |
Since: 1.24
Registration restriction.
Since: 1.24
LTE registration domain.
Not applicable since the UE is not in "Camp Only" mode. |
UE is in "Camp Only" mode and the PLMN can provide CS service only. |
UE is in "Camp Only" mode and the PLMN can provide PS service only. |
UE is in "Camp Only" mode and the PLMN can provide CS and PS service. |
UE is in "Camp Only" mode but the PLMN cannot provide any service. |
Since: 1.24
Deregistered |
Registration initiated |
Registered |
TAU initiated |
SR initiated |
Deregistration initiated |
Invalid |
Unknown |
Since: 1.24
Powering off |
Factory test |
Offline |
Offline AMPS |
Offline CDMA |
Online |
Low power |
Resetting |
Network test |
Offline request |
Pseudo online |
Resetting modem |
Unknown |
Since: 1.24
Since: 1.24