Top |
QmiClientLocQmiClientLoc — QmiClient for the LOC service. |
void | delete-assistance-data | Run Last |
void | engine-state | Run Last |
void | fix-recurrence-type | Run Last |
void | get-nmea-types | Run Last |
void | get-operation-mode | Run Last |
void | get-predicted-orbits-data-source | Run Last |
void | get-server | Run Last |
void | gnss-sv-info | Run Last |
void | inject-predicted-orbits-data | Run Last |
void | inject-xtra-data | Run Last |
void | nmea | Run Last |
void | position-report | Run Last |
void | set-nmea-types | Run Last |
void | set-operation-mode | Run Last |
void | set-server | Run Last |
struct QmiClientLoc;
The QmiClientLoc structure contains private data and should only be accessed using the provided API.
Since: 1.0
signalvoid user_function (QmiClientLoc *object, QmiIndicationLocDeleteAssistanceDataOutput *output, gpointer user_data)
The ::delete-assistance-data signal gets emitted when a 'Delete Assistance Data' indication is received.
object |
A QmiClientLoc. |
output |
user_data |
user data set when the signal handler was connected. |
Flags: Run Last
Since: 1.22
signalvoid user_function (QmiClientLoc *object, QmiIndicationLocEngineStateOutput *output, gpointer user_data)
The ::engine-state signal gets emitted when a 'Engine State' indication is received.
object |
A QmiClientLoc. |
output |
user_data |
user data set when the signal handler was connected. |
Flags: Run Last
Since: 1.22
signalvoid user_function (QmiClientLoc *object, QmiIndicationLocFixRecurrenceTypeOutput *output, gpointer user_data)
The ::fix-recurrence-type signal gets emitted when a 'Fix Recurrence Type' indication is received.
object |
A QmiClientLoc. |
output |
user_data |
user data set when the signal handler was connected. |
Flags: Run Last
Since: 1.22
signalvoid user_function (QmiClientLoc *object, QmiIndicationLocGetNmeaTypesOutput *output, gpointer user_data)
The ::get-nmea-types signal gets emitted when a 'Get NMEA Types' indication is received.
object |
A QmiClientLoc. |
output |
user_data |
user data set when the signal handler was connected. |
Flags: Run Last
Since: 1.26
signalvoid user_function (QmiClientLoc *object, QmiIndicationLocGetOperationModeOutput *output, gpointer user_data)
The ::get-operation-mode signal gets emitted when a 'Get Operation Mode' indication is received.
object |
A QmiClientLoc. |
output |
user_data |
user data set when the signal handler was connected. |
Flags: Run Last
Since: 1.22
signalvoid user_function (QmiClientLoc *object, QmiIndicationLocGetPredictedOrbitsDataSourceOutput *output, gpointer user_data)
The ::get-predicted-orbits-data-source signal gets emitted when a 'Get Predicted Orbits Data Source' indication is received.
object |
A QmiClientLoc. |
output |
user_data |
user data set when the signal handler was connected. |
Flags: Run Last
Since: 1.22
signalvoid user_function (QmiClientLoc *object, QmiIndicationLocGetServerOutput *output, gpointer user_data)
The ::get-server signal gets emitted when a 'Get Server' indication is received.
object |
A QmiClientLoc. |
output |
user_data |
user data set when the signal handler was connected. |
Flags: Run Last
Since: 1.22
signalvoid user_function (QmiClientLoc *object, QmiIndicationLocGnssSvInfoOutput *output, gpointer user_data)
The ::gnss-sv-info signal gets emitted when a 'GNSS Sv Info' indication is received.
object |
A QmiClientLoc. |
output |
user_data |
user data set when the signal handler was connected. |
Flags: Run Last
Since: 1.22
signalvoid user_function (QmiClientLoc *object, QmiIndicationLocInjectPredictedOrbitsDataOutput *output, gpointer user_data)
The ::inject-predicted-orbits-data signal gets emitted when a 'Inject Predicted Orbits Data' indication is received.
object |
A QmiClientLoc. |
output |
user_data |
user data set when the signal handler was connected. |
Flags: Run Last
Since: 1.22
signalvoid user_function (QmiClientLoc *object, QmiIndicationLocInjectXtraDataOutput *output, gpointer user_data)
The ::inject-xtra-data signal gets emitted when a 'Inject Xtra Data' indication is received.
object |
A QmiClientLoc. |
output |
user_data |
user data set when the signal handler was connected. |
Flags: Run Last
Since: 1.22
signalvoid user_function (QmiClientLoc *object, QmiIndicationLocNmeaOutput *output, gpointer user_data)
The ::nmea signal gets emitted when a 'NMEA' indication is received.
object |
A QmiClientLoc. |
output |
user_data |
user data set when the signal handler was connected. |
Flags: Run Last
Since: 1.22
signalvoid user_function (QmiClientLoc *object, QmiIndicationLocPositionReportOutput *output, gpointer user_data)
The ::position-report signal gets emitted when a 'Position Report' indication is received.
object |
A QmiClientLoc. |
output |
user_data |
user data set when the signal handler was connected. |
Flags: Run Last
Since: 1.22
signalvoid user_function (QmiClientLoc *object, QmiIndicationLocSetNmeaTypesOutput *output, gpointer user_data)
The ::set-nmea-types signal gets emitted when a 'Set NMEA Types' indication is received.
object |
A QmiClientLoc. |
output |
user_data |
user data set when the signal handler was connected. |
Flags: Run Last
Since: 1.26
signalvoid user_function (QmiClientLoc *object, QmiIndicationLocSetOperationModeOutput *output, gpointer user_data)
The ::set-operation-mode signal gets emitted when a 'Set Operation Mode' indication is received.
object |
A QmiClientLoc. |
output |
user_data |
user data set when the signal handler was connected. |
Flags: Run Last
Since: 1.22
signalvoid user_function (QmiClientLoc *object, QmiIndicationLocSetServerOutput *output, gpointer user_data)
The ::set-server signal gets emitted when a 'Set Server' indication is received.
object |
A QmiClientLoc. |
output |
user_data |
user data set when the signal handler was connected. |
Flags: Run Last
Since: 1.22